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Chapter 1. New Features in C# 6.0
Creating your Visual Studio project
String interpolation
Null-conditional operator
Initializers for auto-implemented properties and getter-only auto properties
Index initializers
The nameof expressions
Expression-bodied functions and properties
Using static
Exception filters
Using await operator in catch and finally blocks
Chapter 2. Classes and Generics
Creating and implementing an abstract class
Creating and implementing an interface
Creating and using a generic class or method
Creating and using a generic interface
Chapter 3. Object-Oriented Programming in C#
Using inheritance in C#
Using abstraction
Leveraging encapsulation
Implementing polymorphism
Single responsibility principle
Open/closed principle
Chapter 4. Composing Event-Based Programs Using Reactive Extensions
Installing Rx
Events versus observables
Using LINQ to perform queries
Using schedulers in Rx
Debugging lambda expressions
Chapter 5. Create Microservices on Azure Service Fabric
Downloading and installing Service Fabric
Creating a Service Fabric application with a stateless actor service
Using Service Fabric Explorer
Chapter 6. Making Apps Responsive with Asynchronous Programming
Return types of asynchronous functions
Handling tasks in asynchronous programming
Exception handling in asynchronous programming
Chapter 7. High Performance Programming Using Parallel and Multithreading in C#
Creating and aborting a low-priority background thread
Increasing maximum thread pool size
Creating multiple threads
Locking one thread until the contended resources are available
Invoking parallel calls to methods using Parallel.Invoke
Using a parallel foreach loop to run multiple threads
Cancelling a parallel foreach loop
Catching errors in parallel foreach loops
Debugging multiple threads
Chapter 8. Code Contracts
Downloading installing and integrating code contracts into Visual Studio
Creating code contract preconditions
Creating code contract postconditions
Creating code contract invariant
Creating code contract Assert and Assume methods
Creating code contract ForAll method
Creating code contract ValueAtReturn method
Creating code contract Result method
Using code contracts on abstract classes
Using contract abbreviator methods
Creating tests using IntelliTest
Using code contracts in extension methods
Chapter 9. Regular Expressions
Getting started with regex
Matching a valid date
Sanitizing input
Dynamic regex matching
Chapter 10. Choosing and Using a Source Control Strategy
Setting up Visual Studio account management and determining which source control solution is best for you
Setting up Visual Studio GitHub integration checking in code for the first time and checking in changes
Working as a team using GitHub and handling and resolving conflicts in code
Chapter 11. Creating a Mobile Application in Visual Studio
Installing Xamarin and other required components
Creating an Android Visual Studio project using Apache Cordova
Creating an iOS application using Xamarin Forms