Part B Dialogues
Dialogue 1
A—clerk B—customer
A: Good morning, sir.May I help you?
B: Good morning.I would like to open a savings account, but I don’t know which account it should be.Would you please give me some information?
A: Certainly, I am very glad to help you.Usually we offer current or fixed accounts for individuals.What kind of account would you like to open?
B: What’s the difference between them?
A: If you open a fixed account you’ll have a deposit certificate in the name of the depositor and the interest rate is higher.
B: How about the current account?
A: The current account takes the form of a passbook.You may withdraw the money at any time.You just need to present your passbook.
B: Thank you for your help.I think I’ll open a current account.
A: OK.I’ll handle this for you.Do you have any means of identification?
B: Will my ID card do?
A: Of course.Please fill in the deposit slip with your name, address, ID card number, the amount and the date.
B: No problem.Is there a minimum deposit for opening an account?
A: Yes.But one yuan is OK for opening a current account.
B: I see.Here is my 1,000 yuan, the slip and my ID card.
A: Please wait a moment.(after a while) Please enter a six-digit password for your account .And enter it again.Well, everything is done.The password is the key with which to withdraw your money .Please keep it in mind firmly and don’t let other people know it.
B: Thank you for your reminder.
A: You’re welcome.
Dialogue 2
A—manager B—customer
A: Good afternoon, sir.Can I help you?
B: Yes, I work in a joint venture corporation and shall stay here for two years.I wish to know how to open accounts with your bank.
A: Sure. According to relevant regulations for opening a bank account in one’s real name, any individual person may open in his or her name an RMB savings account for a passbook at any commercial bank.Of course, you can deposit your money in a fixed account.
B: Suppose I need to use two or more currencies, how can I open an account?
A: You can have an all-in-one passbook, a very convenient product.
B: What is that? Can you explain it to me?
A: Actually it is a current account in which you can deposit a few currencies, such as RMB, US dollars, Japanese yen.
B: It sounds attractive.What is the procedure for it?
A: The Chinese citizens need to provide their valid ID cards, and foreigners should present their valid passports.
B: Is it the same for a time deposit? What is the longest term?
A: Right.The minimum term is three months, and the longest term is five years.
B: Thank you for your information.
A: You’re welcome.
Dialogue 3
A—clerk B—customer
A: Good morning, sir.Can I help you?
B: Yes, please.I’d like to open a checking account.
A: No problem.Please show me your ID card and fill in this form.Don’t forget to sign your name.
B: By the way, what is the minimum deposit for opening a checking account?
A: It’s 1 000 yuan.
B: Then I’ll make a deposit of 2 000 yuan.
A: Wait a second.OK.Your ID card.
B: Can I write a check now?
A: Sorry.I am afraid you can’t.Your checkbook will be ready in two days.
B: I see.I will get my checkbook the day after tomorrow.
A: I am looking forward to seeing you again.Goodbye.
A: Goodbye.
New Words and Expressions
savings [5seIvINz] n. 储蓄
account [E5kaunt] n. 账户
offer [5CfE] vt. 提供
individual [7indi5vidjuEl] n. 个人,个体
deposit [di5pCzit] n. 存款
certificate [sE5tifikit] n. 证书
depositor [di5pCzitE] n. 存款人
interest [5intrist] n. 利息
passbook [5pB:s7buk] n.存折
present [pri5zent] vt. 提交,出示
handle [5hAndl] vt. 处理,操作
means [mi:nz] n. 方法,手段
identification [ai7dentifi5keiFEn] n. 证明,鉴定
slip [slip] n. 纸片,凭条
according [E5kC:diN] adv. 依照
relevant [5relivEnt] adj. 相关的
regulation [re^ju5leiFEn] n. 规则,规章
currency [5kQrEnsi] n. 流通,货币
convenient [kEn5vi:njEnt] adj. 方便的,便利的
attractive [E5trAktiv] adj. 吸引人的
valid [5vAlid] adj. 有效的,正当的
minimum [5minimEm] adj. 最小的,最低的
digit [5didVit] n. 数字
reminder [ri5maindE] n. 提醒
information [7infE5meiFEn] n. 信息,知识,情报
checkbook [5tFekbJk] n. 支票簿
savings account 储蓄账户
fixed account 定期账户
current account 活期账户
joint venture corporation 合资公司
checking account 支票账户
interest rate 利率
fill in 填写