Then he opened the amulet and found therein a paper in the handwriting of his brother Noureddin;and when he saw his writinghe knew it and kissed it again and againweeping and making moan for his brother. Then he read the scroll and found in it a record of the dates of Noureddin's marriage with the Vizier's daughter of Bassorahis going in to herher conception and the birth of Bedreddin Hassanand the history of his brother's life till his death. At this he wondered and was moved to joy and comparing the dates with those of his own marriage and the birth of his daughter the Lady of Beautyfound that they agreed in all respects. So he took the scroll and carrying it to the Sultantold him the whole story from first to lastat which the King wondered and commanded the case to be at once set down in writing. The Vizier abode all that day awaiting his nephew,but he came not;and when seven days were past and he could learn nothing of himhe said'By AllahI will do a thing that none has done before me!'So he took pen and ink and paper and drew a plan of the bride-chambershowing the disposition of all the furniture thereinas that the alcove was in such a placethis or that curtain in anotherand so on with all that was in the room. Then he folded the paper and laid it asideand causing all the furniture to be taken up and stored awaytook Bedreddin's purse and turban and clothes and locked them up with an iron padlockon which he set a sealagainst his nephew's coming. As for the Lady of Beautyshe accomplished the months of her pregnancy and bore a son like the full moonresembling his father in beauty and grace. They cut his navel and blackened his eyelids with kohl and committed him to the nursesnaming him Agib. His day was as a month and his month as a yearand when seven years had passed over himhis grandfather sent him to schoolbidding the master teach him to read the Koran and give him a good education;and he remained at the school four years,till he began to bully the little ones and beat them and abuse themsaying'Which of you is like me? I am the son of the Vizier of Egypt.'At last the children camein a bodyto complain to the monitor of Agib's behavior to themand he said,'I will tell you how to do with himso that he shall leave coming to the school and you shall never see him again. It is this: when he comes to-morrowsit down round him and let one of you say to the others'By Allahnone shall play at this game except he tell us the names of his father and mother;for he who knows not his parents'names is a bastard and shall not play with us.''So next daywhen Agib came to the schoolthey all assembled round himand one of them said'We will play a game,in which no one shall join except he tell us the names of his father and mother.'And they all said'By Allahit is good.'
Then said one of them'My name is Majidmy mother's name is Alawiyeh and my father's Izeddin.'And the others said the like,till it came to Agib's turn and he said'My name is Agibmy mother is the Lady of Beauty and my father ShemseddinVizier of Egypt.'By Allah,'cried they'the Vizier is not thy father.'
Said he'He is indeed my father.'Then they all laughed and clapped their hands at himsaying'He does not know his father!
Arise and go out from usfor none shall play with usexcept he know his father's name.'Thereupon they dispersed from around him and laughed him to scornleaving him choked with tears and mortification. Then said the monitor to him'O Agibknowst thou not that the Vizier is thy mother's fatherthy grandfather and not thy father? As for thy fatherthou knowest him not nor do wefor the Sultan married thy mother to a humpbacked groom;but the Jinn came and lay with herand thou hast no known father.
Whereforedo thou leave evening thyself with the boys in the schooltill thou know who is thy father;for till then thou wilt pass for a misbegotten brat amongst them. Dost thou not see that the huckster's son knows his own father? Thy grandfather is the Vizier of Egyptbut as for thy fatherwe know him notand we saythou hast no father. So return to thy senses.'When Agib heard the insulting words of the children and the monitorhe went out at once and ran to his motherto complain to her;but his tears would not let him speak awhile. When she heard his sobs and saw his tearsher heart was on fire for him and she said to him'O my sonwhy dost thou weep? Tell me what is the matter.'
So he told her what the children and the monitor had said and said to her'Who is my fatherO my mother?'Thy father is the Vizier of Egypt,'answered she;but he said'Do not lie to me.
The Vizier is thy fathernot mine. Who then is my father? Except thou tell me the truthI will kill myself with this dagger.'
When the Lady of Beauty heard him speak of his fathershe wept,as she thought of her cousin and her bridal-nightand repeated the following verses:
Love in my breastalas!they lit and went away;Far distant is the camp that holds my soul's delight!
Patience and reason fled from mewhen they withdrew;Sleep failed meand despair o'ercame me like a blight.
They left meand with them departed all my joy;Tranquility and peace with them have taken flight.
They made my lids run down with tears of love laid waste;My eyes for lack of them brim over day and night.
When as my sad soul longs to see them once again And waiting and desire are heavy on my spright;Midmost my heart of hearts their images I traceLove and desireful pain and longing for their sight.
O yeone thought of whom clings round me like a cloakWhose love it as a shirt about my body dight,O my beloved oneshow long will ye delay? How long must I endure estrangement and despite?