One party, to which Katavassov belonged, saw in the opposite party a scoundrelly betrayal and treachery, while the opposite party saw in them childishness and lack of respect for the authorities. Levin, though he did not belong to the university, had several times already during his stay in Moscow heard and talked about this matter, and had his own opinion on the subject. He took part in the conversation that was continued in the street, as all three walked to the old buildings of the university.
The meeting had already begun. Round the cloth-covered table, at which Katavassov and Metrov seated themselves, there were some half-dozen persons, and one of these was bending close over a manuscript, reading something aloud. Levin sat down in one of the empty chairs that were standing round the table, and in a whisper asked a student sitting near what was being read. The student, eying Levin with displeasure, said:
`The biography.'
Though Levin was not interested in the biography, he could not help listening, and learned some new and interesting facts about the life of the distinguished man of science.
When the reader had finished, the chairman thanked him and read some verses of the poet Ment, sent him on the jubilee, and said a few words by way of thanks to the poet. Then Katavassov in his loud, ringing voice read his address on the scientific labors of the man whose jubilee was being kept.
When Katavassov had finished, Levin looked at his watch, saw it was past one, and thought that there would not be time before the concert to read his paper to Metrov, and indeed, he did not now care to do so.
During the reading he had thought over their conversation. He saw distinctly now that though Metrov's ideas might perhaps have value, his own ideas had a value too, and their ideas could only be made clear and lead to something if each worked separately in his chosen path, and that nothing would be gained by communicating these ideas. And having made up his mind to refuse Metrov's invitation, Levin went up to him at the end of the meeting. Metrov introduced Levin to the chairman, with whom he was talking of the political news. Metrov told the chairman what he had already told Levin, and Levin made the same remarks on his news that he had already made that morning, but for the sake of variety he expressed also a new opinion which had only just struck him. After that the conversation turned again on the university question. As Levin had already heard it all, he made haste to tell Metrov that he was sorry he could not take advantage of his invitation, took leave, and drove to Lvov's.
[Next Chapter] [Table of Contents]
TOLSTOY: Anna Karenina Part 7, Chapter 04[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] Chapter 4 Lvov, the husband of Natalie, Kitty's sister, had spent all his life in the capitals and abroad, where he had been educated, and had been in the diplomatic service.
During the previous year he had left the diplomatic service, not owing to any `unpleasantness' (he never had any `unpleasantness' with anyone), and was transferred to the Palace Department in Moscow, in order to give his two boys the best education possible.
In spite of the striking contrast in their habits and views and the fact that Lvov was older than Levin, they had seen a great deal of one another that winter, and had taken a great liking to each other.
Lvov was at home, and Levin went in to him unannounced.
Lvov, in a house coat with a belt and in chamois leather shoes, was sitting in an armchair, and with a pince-nez with blue lenses he was reading a book that stood on a reading desk, while in his beautiful hand he held a half-burned cigar carefully away from him.
His handsome, delicate, and still youthful-looking face, to which his curly, glistening silvery hair gave a still more aristocratic air, lighted up with a smile when he saw Levin.
`Capital! I intended to send to you. How's Kitty? Sit here, it's more comfortable.' He got up and pushed up a rocking chair. `Have you read the last circular in the Journal de St Pétersbourg ? I think it's excellent,' he said with a slight French accent.
Levin told him what he had heard from Katavassov was being said in Peterburg, and, after talking a little about politics, he told him of his interview with Metrov, and the learned society's meeting. To Lvov it was very interesting.
`That's what I envy you, that you are able to mix in these interesting scientific circles,' he said. And as he talked, he passed as usual into French, which was easier for him. `It's true I haven't the time for it.
My official work and the children leave me no time; and then I'm not ashamed to own that my education has been too defective.'
`That I don't believe,' said Levin with a smile, feeling, as he always did, touched at Lvov's low opinion of himself, which was not in the least put on from a desire to seem or to be modest, but was absolutely sincere.
`Oh, yes, indeed! I feel now how badly educated I am. To educate my children I positively have to look up a great deal, and, in fact, actually to study myself. For it's not enough to have teachers - there must be someone to look after them; just as on your land you want laborers and an overseer.
See what I'm reading' - he pointed to Buslaev's Grammar on the desk - `it's expected of Misha, and it's so difficult.... Come, explain to me.... Here he says...'
Levin tried to explain to him that it couldn't be understood, but that it had to be taught; but Lvov would not agree with him.
`Oh, you're laughing at it!'
`On the contrary, you can't imagine how, when I look at you, I'm always learning the task that lies before me - that is, the education of one's children.'
`Well, there's nothing for you to learn,' said Lvov.
`All I know,' said Levin, `is that I have never seen better brought-up children than yours, and I wouldn't wish for children better than yours.'
Lvov visibly tried to restrain the expression of his delight, but he was positively radiant with smiles.