第21章 ACT IV(3)
FALDER.I believe that,Mr.Cokeson.Nobody wishes you harm,but they down you all the same.This feeling--[He stares round him,as though at something closing in]It's crushing me.[With sudden impersonality]I know it is.
COKESON.[Horribly disturbed]There's nothing there!We must try and take it quiet.I'm sure I've often had you in my prayers.Now leave it to me.I'll use my gumption and take 'em when they're jolly.[As he speaks the two partners come in]
COKESON [Rather disconcerted,but trying to put them all at ease]
I didn't expect you quite so soon.I've just been having a talk with this young man.I think you'll remember him.
JAMES.[With a grave,keen look]Quite well.How are you,Falder?
WALTER.[Holding out his hand almost timidly]Very glad to see you again,Falder.
FALDER.[Who has recovered his self-control,takes the hand]Thank you,sir.
COKESON.Just a word,Mr.James.[To FALDER,pointing to the clerks'office]You might go in there a minute.You know your way.
Our junior won't be coming this morning.His wife's just had a little family.
FALDER,goes uncertainly out into the clerks'office.
COKESON.[Confidentially]I'm bound to tell you all about it.He's quite penitent.But there's a prejudice against him.And you're not seeing him to advantage this morning;he's under-nourished.It's very trying to go without your dinner.
COKESON.I wanted to ask you.He's had his lesson.Now we know all about him,and we want a clerk.There is a young fellow applying,but I'm keeping him in the air.
JAMES.A gaol-bird in the office,COKESON?I don't see it.
WALTER."The rolling of the chariot-wheels of Justice!"I've never got that out of my head.
JAMES.I've nothing to reproach myself with in this affair.What's he been doing since he came out?
COKESON.He's had one or two places,but he hasn't kept them.He's sensitive--quite natural.Seems to fancy everybody's down on him.
JAMES.Bad sign.Don't like the fellow--never did from the first.
"Weak character"'s written all over him.
WALTER.I think we owe him a leg up.
JAMES.He brought it all on himself.
WALTER.The doctrine of full responsibility doesn't quite hold in these days.
JAMES.[Rather grimly]You'll find it safer to hold it for all that,my boy.
WALTER.For oneself,yes--not for other people,thanks.
JAMES.Well!I don't want to be hard.
COKESON.I'm glad to hear you say that.He seems to see something [spreading his arms]round him.'Tisn't healthy.
JAMES.What about that woman he was mixed up with?I saw some one uncommonly like her outside as we came in.
COKESON.That!Well,I can't keep anything from you.He has met her.
JAMES.Is she with her husband?
JAMES.Falder living with her,I suppose?
COKESON.[Desperately trying to retain the new-found jollity]Idon't know that of my own knowledge.'Tisn't my business.
JAMES.It's our business,if we're going to engage him,COKESON.
COKESON.[Reluctantly]I ought to tell you,perhaps.I've had the party here this morning.
JAMES.I thought so.[To WALTER]No,my dear boy,it won't do.Too shady altogether!
COKESON.The two things together make it very awkward for you--I see that.
WALTER.[Tentatively]I don't quite know what we have to do with his private life.
JAMES.No,no!He must make a clean sheet of it,or he can't come here.
WALTER.Poor devil!
COKESON.Will you--have him in?[And as JAMES nods]I think I can get him to see reason.
JAMES.[Grimly]You can leave that to me,COKESON.
WALTER.[To JAMES,in a low voice,while COKESON is summoning FALDER]His whole future may depend on what we do,dad.
FALDER comes in.He has pulled himself together,and presents a steady front.
JAMES.Now look here,Falder.My son and I want to give you another chance;but there are two things I must say to you.In the first place:It's no good coming here as a victim.If you've any notion that you've been unjustly treated--get rid of it.You can't play fast and loose with morality and hope to go scot-free.If Society didn't take care of itself,nobody would--the sooner you realise that the better.
FALDER.Yes,sir;but--may I say something?
FALDER.I had a lot of time to think it over in prison.[He stops]
COKESON.[Encouraging him]I'm sure you did.
FALDER.There were all sorts there.And what I mean,sir,is,that if we'd been treated differently the first time,and put under somebody that could look after us a bit,and not put in prison,not a quarter of us would ever have got there.
JAMES.[Shaking his head]I'm afraid I've very grave doubts of that,Falder.
FALDER.[With a gleam of malice]Yes,sir,so I found.
JAMES.My good fellow,don't forget that you began it.
FALDER.I never wanted to do wrong.
JAMES.Perhaps not.But you did.
FALDER.[With all the bitterness of his past suffering]It's knocked me out of time.[Pulling himself up]That is,I mean,I'm not what I was.
JAMES.This isn't encouraging for us,Falder.
COKESON.He's putting it awkwardly,Mr.James.
FALDER.[Throwing over his caution from the intensity of his feeling]I mean it,Mr.Cokeson.
JAMES.Now,lay aside all those thoughts,Falder,and look to the future.
FALDER.[Almost eagerly]Yes,sir,but you don't understand what prison is.It's here it gets you.
He grips his chest.
COKESON.[In a whisper to James]I told you he wanted nourishment.
WALTER.Yes,but,my dear fellow,that'll pass away.Time's merciful.
FALDER.[With his face twitching]I hope so,sir.
JAMES.[Much more gently]Now,my boy,what you've got to do is to put all the past behind you and build yourself up a steady reputation.And that brings me to the second thing.This woman you were mixed up with you must give us your word,you know,to have done with that.There's no chance of your keeping straight if you're going to begin your future with such a relationship.
FALDER.[Looking from one to the other with a hunted expression]But sir ...but sir ...it's the one thing I looked forward to all that time.And she too ...I couldn't find her before last night.