"Obeyed the Abbe d'Aigrigny, the most formidable chief of that formidable society.He employs his genius for evil; but I must confess he is a man of genius.Therefore, it is upon him that you and yours must fix all your doubts and suspicions; it is against him that you must be upon your guard.For, believe me, I know him, and he does not look upon the game as lost.You must be prepared for new attacks, doubtless of another kind, but only the more dangerous on that account--"
"Luckily, you give us notice," said Dagobert, "and you will be on our side."
"I can do very little, my good friends; but that little is at the service of honest people," said Rodin.
"Now," said Adrienne, with a thoughtful air, completely persuaded by Rodin's air of conviction, "I can explain the inconceivable influence that my aunt exercised in the world.I ascribed it chiefly to her relations with persons in power; I thought that she, like the Abbe d'Aigrigny, was concerned in dark intrigues, for which religion served as a veil--but I was far from believing what you tell me."
"How many things you have got to learn!" resumed Rodin."If you knew, my dear young lady, with what art these people surround you, without your being aware of it, by agents devoted to themselves! Every one of your steps is known to them, when they have any interest in such knowledge.
Thus, little by little, they act upon you--slowly, cautiously, darkly.
They circumvent you by every possible means, from flattery to terror--
seduce or frighten, in order at last to rule you, without your being conscious of their authority.Such is their object, and I must confess they pursue it with detestable ability."
Rodin had spoken with so much sincerity, that Adrienne trembled; then, reproaching herself with these fears, she resumed: "And yet, no--I can never believe in so infernal a power; the might of priestly ambition belongs to another age.Heaven be praised, it has disappeared forever!"
"Yes, certainly, it is out of sight; for they now know how to disperse and disappear, when circumstances require it.But then are they the most dangerous; for suspicion is laid asleep, and they keep watch in the dark.
Oh! my dear young lady, if you knew their frightful ability! In my hatred of all that is oppressive, cowardly, and hypocritical, I had studied the history of that terrible society, before I knew that the Abbe d'Aigrigny belonged to it.Oh! it is dreadful.If you knew what means they employ! When I tell you that, thanks to their diabolical devices, the most pure and devoted appearances often conceal the most horrible snares." Rodin's eye rested, as if by chance, on the hunchback; but, seeing that Adrienne did not take the hint, the Jesuit continued: "In a word--are you not exposed to their pursuits?--have they any interest in gaining you over?--oh! from that moment, suspect all that surround you, suspect the most noble attachments, the most tender affections, for these monsters sometimes succeed in corrupting your best friends, and making a terrible use of them, in proportion to the blindness of your confidence."
"Oh! it is impossible," cried Adrienne, in horror."You must exaggerate.
No! hell itself never dreamed of more frightful treachery!"
"Alas, my dear young lady! one of your relations, M.Hardy--the most loyal and generous-hearted man that could be--has been the victim of some such infamous treachery.Do you know what we learned from the reading of your ancestor's will? Why, that he died the victim of the malevolence of these people; and now, at the lapse of a hundred and fifty years, his descendants are still exposed to the hate of that indestructible society."
"Oh, sir! it terrifies me," said Adrienne, feeling her heart sink within her."But are there no weapons against such attacks?"
"Prudence, my dear young lady--the most watchful caution--the most incessant study and suspicion of all that approach you."
"But such a life would be frightful! It is a torture to be the victim of continual suspicions, doubts, and fears."
"Without doubt! They know it well, the wretches! That constitutes their strength.They often triumph by the very excess of the precautions taken against them.Thus, my dear young lady, and you, brave and worthy soldier, in the name of all that is dear to you, be on your guard, and do not lightly impart your confidence.Be on your guard, for you have nearly fallen the victims of those people.They will always be your implacable enemies.And you, also, poor, interesting girl!" added the Jesuit, speaking to Mother Bunch, "follow my advice--fear these people.
Sleep, as the proverb says, with one eye open."
"I, sir!" said the work-girl."What have I done? what have I to fear?"
"What have you done? Dear me! Do not you tenderly love this young lady, your protectress? have you not attempted to assist her? Are you not the adopted sister of the son of this intrepid soldier, the brave Agricola!
Alas, poor, girl! are not these sufficient claims to their hatred, in spite of your obscurity? Nay, my dear young lady! do not think that I exaggerate.Reflect! only reflect! Think what I have just said to the faithful companion-in-arms of Marshal Simon, with regard to his imprisonment at Leipsic.Think what happened to yourself, when, against all law and reason, you were brought hither.Then you will see, that there is nothing exaggerated in the picture I have drawn of the secret power of this Company.Be always on your guard, and, in doubtful cases, do not fear to apply to me.In three days, I have learned enough by my own experience, with regard to their manner of acting, to be able to point out to you many a snare, device, and danger, and to protect you from them."
"In any such case, sir," replied Mdlle.de Cardoville, "my interests, as well as gratitude, would point to you as my best counsellor."