"Yes.I hope you may be glad to hear it.It would make you glad to know that I was happy, wouldn't it?"For the first time Jed did not answer in the instant.The shadows were deep in the little living-room now, but Ruth felt that he was leaning forward and looking at her.
"Yes," he said, after a moment."Yes...but--I don't know as Iknow exactly what you mean, do I?"
"You don't--yet.But I hope you will be glad when you do.Jed, you like Major Grover, don't you?"Jed did not move perceptibly, but she heard his chair creak.He was still leaning forward and she knew his gaze was fixed upon her face.
"Yes," he said very slowly."I like him first-rate.""I'm glad.Because--well, because I have come to like him so much.
Jed, he--he has asked me to be his wife."There was absolute stillness in the little room.Then, after what seemed to her several long minutes, he spoke.
"Yes...yes, I see..." he said."And you? You've...""At first I could not answer him.My brother's secret was in the way and I could not tell him that.But last night--or this morning--Charlie and I discussed all our affairs and he gave me permission to tell--Leonard.So when he came to-day I told him.
He said it made no difference.And--and I am going to marry him, Jed."Jed's chair creaked again, but that was the only sound.Ruth waited until she felt that she could wait no longer.Then she stretched out a hand toward him in the dark.
"Oh, Jed," she cried, "aren't you going to say anything to me--anything at all?"
She heard him draw a long breath.Then he spoke.
"Why--why, yes, of course," he said."I--I--of course I am.I--you kind of got me by surprise, that's all....I hadn't--hadn't expected it, you see.""I know.Even Charlie was surprised.But you're glad, for my sake, aren't you, Jed?""Eh?...Yes, oh, yes! I'm--I'm glad.""I hope you are.If it were not for poor Charlie's going away and the anxiety about him and his problem I should be very happy--happier than I believed I ever could be again.You're glad of that, aren't you, Jed?""Eh?...Yes, yes, of course...."
"And you will congratulate me? You like Major Grover? Please say you do."Jed rose slowly from his chair.He passed a hand in dazed fashion across his forehead.
"Yes," he said, again."The major's a fine man....I do congratulate you, ma'am.""Oh, Jed! Not that way.As if you meant it.""Eh?...I--I do mean it....I hope--I hope you'll be real happy, both of you, ma'am.""Oh, not that--Ruth."
"Yes--yes, sartin, of course...Ruth, I mean."She left him standing by the writing table.After she had gone he sank slowly down into the chair again.Eight o'clock struck and he was still sitting there....And Fate chose that time to send Captain Sam Hunniwell striding up the walk and storming furiously at the back door.
"Jed!" roared the captain."Jed Winslow! Jed!"Jed lifted his head from his hands.He most decidedly did not wish to see Captain Sam or any one else.
"Jed!" roared the captain again.
Jed accepted the inevitable."Here I am," he groaned, miserably.
The captain did not wait for an invitation to enter.Having ascertained that the owner of the building was within, he pulled the door open and stamped into the kitchen.
"Where are you?" he demanded.
"Here," replied Jed, without moving.
"Here? Where's here?...Oh, you're in there, are you? Hidin'
there in the dark, eh? Afraid to show me your face, I shouldn't wonder.By the gracious king, I should think you would be! What have you got to say to me, eh?"Apparently Jed had nothing to say.Captain Sam did not wait.
"And you've called yourself my friend!" he sneered savagely.
"Friend--you're a healthy friend, Jed Winslow! What have you got to say to me...eh?"Jed sighed."Maybe I'd be better able to say it if I knew what you was talkin' about, Sam," he observed, drearily.
"Know! I guess likely you know all right.And according to her you've known all along.What do you mean by lettin' me take that--that state's prison bird into my bank? And lettin' him associate with my daughter and--and...Oh, by gracious king! When I think that you knew what he was all along, I--I--"His anger choked off the rest of the sentence.Jed rubbed his eyes and sat up in his chair.For the first time since the captain's entrance he realized a little of what the latter said.Before that he had been conscious only of his own dull, aching, hopeless misery.
"Hum....So you've found out, Sam, have you?" he mused.