Two days afterwards the Mercenaries left Carthage.
They had each received a piece of gold on the condition that they should go into camp at Sicca, and they had been told with all sorts of caresses:
"You are the saviours of Carthage! But you would starve it if you remained there; it would become insolvent.Withdraw! The Republic will be grateful to you later for all this condescension.We are going to levy taxes immediately; your pay shall be in full, and galleys shall be equipped to take you back to your native lands."They did not know how to reply to all this talk.These men, accustomed as they were to war, were wearied by residence in a town; there was difficulty in convincing them, and the people mounted the walls to see them go away.
They defiled through the street of Khamon, and the Cirta gate, pell-mell, archers with hoplites, captains with soldiers, Lusitanians with Greeks.They marched with a bold step, rattling their heavy cothurni on the paving stones.Their armour was dented by the catapult, and their faces blackened by the sunburn of battles.Hoarse cries issued from their thick bears, their tattered coats of mail flapped upon the pommels of their swords, and through the holes in the brass might be seen their naked limbs, as frightful as engines of war.
Sarissae, axes, spears, felt caps and bronze helmets, all swung together with a single motion.They filled the street thickly enough to have made the walls crack, and the long mass of armed soldiers overflowed between the lofty bitumen-smeared houses six storys high.
Behind their gratings of iron or reed the women, with veiled heads, silently watched the Barbarians pass.
The terraces, fortifications, and walls were hidden beneath the crowd of Carthaginians, who were dressed in garments of black.The sailors'
tunics showed like drops of blood among the dark multitude, and nearly naked children, whose skin shone beneath their copper bracelets, gesticulated in the foliage of the columns, or amid the branches of a palm tree.Some of the Ancients were posted on the platform of the towers, and people did not know why a personage with a long beard stood thus in a dreamy attitude here and there.He appeared in the distance against the background of the sky, vague as a phantom and motionless as stone.
All, however, were oppressed with the same anxiety; it was feared that the Barbarians, seeing themselves so strong, might take a fancy to stay.But they were leaving with so much good faith that the Carthaginians grew bold and mingled with the soldiers.They overwhelmed them with protestations and embraces.Some with exaggerated politeness and audacious hypocrisy even sought to induce them not to leave the city.They threw perfumes, flowers, and pieces of silver to them.They gave them amulets to avert sickness; but they had spit upon them three times to attract death, or had enclosed jackal's hair within them to put cowardice into their hearts.Aloud, they invoked Melkarth's favour, and in a whisper, his curse.
Then came the mob of baggage, beasts of burden, and stragglers.The sick groaned on the backs of dromedaries, while others limped along leaning on broken pikes.The drunkards carried leathern bottles, and the greedy quarters of meat, cakes, fruits, butter wrapped in fig leaves, and snow in linen bags.Some were to be seen with parasols in their hands, and parrots on their shoulders.They had mastiffs, gazelles, and panthers following behind them.Women of Libyan race, mounted on asses, inveighed against the Negresses who had forsaken the lupanaria of Malqua for the soldiers; many of them were suckling children suspended on their bosoms by leathern thongs.The mules were goaded out at the point of the sword, their backs bending beneath the load of tents, while there were numbers of serving-men and water-carriers, emaciated, jaundiced with fever, and filthy with vermin, the scum of the Carthaginian populace, who had attached themselves to the Barbarians.
When they had passed, the gates were shut behind them, but the people did not descend from the walls.The army soon spread over the breadth of the isthmus.
It parted into unequal masses.Then the lances appeared like tall blades of grass, and finally all was lost in a train of dust; those of the soldiers who looked back towards Carthage could now only see its long walls with their vacant battlements cut out against the edge of the sky.
Then the Barbarians heard a great shout.They thought that some from among them (for they did not know their own number) had remained in the town, and were amusing themselves by pillaging a temple.They laughed a great deal at the idea of this, and then continued their journey.
They were rejoiced to find themselves, as in former days, marching all together in the open country, and some of the Greeks sang the old song of the Mamertines:
"With my lance and sword I plough and reap; I am master of the house! The disarmed man falls at my feet and calls me Lord and Great King."They shouted, they leaped, the merriest began to tell stories; the time of their miseries was past.As they arrived at Tunis, some of them remarked that a troop of Balearic slingers was missing.They were doubtless not far off; and no further heed was paid to them.
Some went to lodge in the houses, others camped at the foot of the walls, and the townspeople came out to chat with the soldiers.
During the whole night fires were seen burning on the horizon in the direction of Carthage; the light stretched like giant torches across the motionless lake.No one in the army could tell what festival was being celebrated.
On the following day the Barbarian's passed through a region that was covered with cultivation.The domains of the patricians succeeded one another along the border of the route; channels of water flowed through woods of palm; there were long, green lines of olive-trees;rose-coloured vapours floated in the gorges of the hills, while blue mountains reared themselves behind.A warm wind was blowing.