第75章 Chapter (3)
These are great advantages which God has given us; and now it becomes us to improve them, to his glory and to our own honor, by showing a conciliatory and magnanimous spirit towards our enemies. And though it should cost us labor to win such a victory, yet, I am confident, that when won, it will appear to us the most glorious that we ever achieved.
To conquer an enemy by the sword, is, no doubt, honorable;but still it is nothing in comparison of conquering him by generosity.
As arguing both superior virtue and courage, it commands higher admiration from the world, and is reflected on by ourselves with far more self-esteem and applause. And then, sir, only consider how such conduct will gild the future scenes of life. This unfortunate quarrel betwixt us and our countrymen, the tories, is not to last forever.
It was only the act of a wicked ministry, attempting, by an unconstitutional tax to enslave an affectionate part of the nation.
God can never suffer such an attempt to prosper. It must be but a momentary quarrel; and we ought to accustom ourselves to think of it as such, and to look beyond it to the happy days that are to succeed.
And since the storm of war is soon to subside into the calm of peace, let us do nothing now, that may throw a cloud over the coming sunshine.
Let us not even talk of `exterminating war'! that unnatural crime which would harrow up our souls with the pangs of remorse, and haunt our repose with the dread of retaliation -- which would draw down upon our cause the curse of heaven, and make our very name the odium of all generations.
But, far differently, let us act the generous part of those who, though now at variance, are yet brothers, and soon to be good friends again.
And then, when peace returns, we shall be in proper frame to enjoy it.
No poor woman that we meet will seem to upbraid us for the slaughter of her husband; no naked child, for robbing him of his father;no field will cry against us for a brother's blood. On the contrary, whenever the battles which we are now fighting, shall recur to our thoughts, with the frightened enemy grounding their arms and crying for quarter, we shall remember how we heard their cries and stopped the uplifted sword.
Joy will spring in our bosoms, and all around will smile with approbation.
-- The faces of the aged will shine upon us, because we spared their sons;bright-eyed females will bless us for their surviving husbands: and even the lips of the children will lisp our praises.
Thus with a heaven of delighted feeling in our hearts, and the smiles both of God and man on our heads, we shall pass the evening of our days in glorious peace. And when death shall call us to that better world, we shall obey without reluctance. Conscious of neither dread nor hate towards any of the blessed people that dwell there, we shall go in strong hope of witnessing the bright realities of that state, where all is immortality and love. Perhaps we shall there meet many of those whom it has been our sad destiny to fight with here;not in their present imperfect state, but in their state of exaltation, clad in robes brighter than the stars, and their faces outshining the sun in his noonday splendors. Perhaps at sight of us, these glorious spirits may rush with new-flushed beauties, to embrace us, and in the presence of crowding angels, recount our kindness to them in the days of their mortality; while all the dazzling throngs, listening delighted, shall fix on us their eyes of love, inspiring those joys which none but strong immortals could sustain.
Are not these, O my friends, hopes worth contending for?
Is revenge to be cherished that would rob us of such honors?
Can generosity be dear that would ensure to us such so great rewards?
Then let us not think benevolence was enjoined in vain, which is to conduct us to such immortal felicities."As Marion spoke these words, his countenance, which in general was melancholy, caught an animation beyond the reader's fancy to conceive.
The charms of goodness, and the bright rewards which await it, were painted in such living colors on his face, that not even the stranger could have beheld it unmoved. On me, who almost adored Marion for his godlike virtues, its effects were past describing. My bosom heaved with emotions unutterable, while the tear of delicious admiration swelled in my eyes. As to captain Snipes, he appeared equally affected.
His eyes were riveted on the general, and towards the close of the speech his breath seemed suspended; his color went and came; and his face reddened and swelled; as under the powerful eloquence of the pulpit.