Let us go and inspect the canals.Farewell, good Paphnutius! or rather, till our next meeting! If ever you should come down to earth again, and revisit Alexandria, do not fail to come and sup with me."These words, heard by all present, passed from mouth to mouth, and being repeated by the believers, added greatly to the reputation of Paphnutius.Pious minds amplified and transformed them, and it was stated that Paphnutius, from the top of his pillar, had converted the Prefect of the Fleet to the faith of the apostles and the Nicaean fathers.The believers found a figurative meaning in the last words uttered by Aurelius Cotta; to them, the supper to which this important personage had invited the ascetic, was a holy communion, a spiritual repast, a celestial banquet.The story of this meeting was embroidered with wonderful details, which those who invented were the first to believe.It was said that when Cotta, after a long argument, had embraced the truth, an angel had come from heaven to wipe the sweat from his brow.The physician and secretary of the Prefect of the Fleet had also, it was asserted, been converted at the same time.And, the miracle being public and notorious, the deacons of the principal churches of Libya recorded it amongst the authentic facts.After that, it could be said, without any exaggeration, that the whole world was seized with a desire to see Paphnutius, and that, in the West as well as the East, all Christians turned their astonished eyes towards him.
The most celebrated cities of Italy sent deputations to him, and the Roman Caesar, the divine Constantine who favoured the Christian religion, wrote him a letter which the legates brought to him with great ceremony.But one night, whilst the budding city at his feet slept in the dew, he heard a voice, which said--"Paphnutius, thou art become celebrated by thy works and powerful by thy word.God has raised thee up for His glory.He has chosen thee to work miracles, heal the sick, convert the Pagans, enlighten sinners, confound the Arians, and establish peace in the Church."Paphnutius replied--
"God's will be done!"
The voice continued--
"Arise, Paphnutius, and go seek in his palace the impious Constans, who, far from imitating the wisdom of his brother, Constantine, inclines to the errors of Arius and Marcus.Go! The bronze gates shall fly open before thee, and thy sandals shall resound on the golden floor of the basilica before the throne of the Caesars, and thy awe-inspiring voice shall change the heart of the son of Constantinus.
Thou shalt reign over a peaceful and powerful Church.And, even as the soul directs the body, so shall the Church govern the empire.Thou shalt be placed above senators, comites, and patricians.Thou shalt repress the greed of the people, and check the boldness of the barbarians.Old Cotta, knowing that thou art the head of the government, will seek the honour of washing thy feet.At thy death thy /cilicium/ shall be taken to the patriarch of Alexandria, and the great Athanasius, white with glory, shall kiss it as the relic of a saint.Go!"Paphnutius replied--
"Let the will of God be accomplished!"
And making an effort to stand up, he prepared to descend.But the voice, divining his intention, said--"Above all, descend not by the ladder.That would be to act like an ordinary man, and to be unconscious of the gifts that are in thee.Agreat saint, like thee, ought to fly through the air.Leap! the angels are there to support thee.Leap, then!"Paphnutius replied--
"The will of God be done, on earth as it is in heaven."Extending his long arms like the ragged wings of a huge sick bird, he was about to throw himself down, when, suddenly, a hideous mocking laugh rang in his ears.Terrified, he asked--"Who laughs thus?"
"Ah? ah!" screamed the voice, "we are yet but at the beginning of our friendship; thou wilt some day be better acquainted with me.My friend, it was I who caused thee to ascend here, and I ought to be satisfied at the docility with which thou hast accomplished my wishes.
Paphnutius, I am pleased with thee."
Paphnutius murmured, in a voice stifled by fear--"Avaunt, avaunt! I know thee now; thou art he who carried Jesus to a pinnacle of the temple, and showed him all the kingdoms of this world."He fell, affrighted, on the stone.