B&R Initiative and Sustainable Development
We had interesting discussions and interesting points about the Belt and Road Initiative (B&R). This paper is going to give a little bit different perspective from the view point of sustainable development agenda.
The B&R Initiative is being perceived as Chinese initiative to create market and develop strategic alliance and so on. However, this is an overall perception. The first is that the initiative needs huge investments and it is also associated with huge risks, both external and internal. Secondly, of course, we cannot forget that countries have their own development agendas and they are looking at these investments as part of their development strategy. And last, countries have agreed on Paris Climate Change agreement to achieve their declaration and Intended Nationally-Determined Commitments towards Climate Change.
So what the paper would like to put forward is: can we link the development agenda of the B&R Initiative with sustainable development agenda of the UN and Paris Climate Change agreement. This will help in not only helping these countries building infrastructures but building it in sustainable way and providing access to modern energies for their citizens because many of these countries have large populations, which is not even connected to electricity. Then countries can explore investments through Climate Change funds and BRICS Bank initiatives and other initiatives, which can support the Chinese investment. So I think these two agendas can match with each other.
What UN says is sustainable energy for all empowered leaders to break partnerships and unlock finances to achieve universal access to sustainable energy as a contribution to a cleaner and prosperous world for all. That is what the global or larger agenda of the B&R Initiative is.
The major issues faced by these countries are sustainable development, access to energy and climate resilient infrastructure. Since we are talking of large investments across the globe in all 60 or so countries, infrastructure has to be climate resilient because Climate Change impact are now visible and they are coming more and more.
Looking at sustainable development agenda, the UN has come out with a number of sustainable development goals. We can look at three major ones. The 7thGoal is to ensure accessible, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
Energy is central to any development agenda. We cannot have development without energy. Globally about 20% of population still doesn't have access to electricity. Energy is also key to Climate Change mitigation strategy, as more than 60% of GHG emissions, which is greenhouse gas emissions, which are responsible for Climate Change, are due to fossil energy use. When we are doing new development, we should definitely look at sustainable and climate responsive energy utilization.
Still about 2.5 billion people use polluting or inefficient cooking fuels such as wood. Majority of this population is in countries associated with the B&R Initiative. Again the countries which are on the B&R Initiative are having this development dilemma. The majority of these population resides in these countries and the initiative can also take this into consideration. Human development index and energy use are often related, the countries which are high on the human development index are also using high amount of energy. So it is also important that if we are going to do development in these countries, it is also going to increase their energy consumption and one look at sustainable energy through renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives.
Secondly, the 8thGoal is to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and full and productive employment and decent work for all. Unemployment has been increasing globally from 170 million in 2007 to nearly 202 million in 2012, out of which 75 million are young women and men. If we are not going to provide enough employment opportunities, then this may result into unstable social fabric.
This agenda is also important and the B&R Initiative can not only generate employment for Chinese citizens but also globally or at least in countries where this initiative is being implemented.
So we need around 470 million jobs globally for new people who are entering the labor market between now and 2030. There is a huge requirement for job creation and initiative like the B&R Initiative can definitely look into this aspect.
And third, the 9thGoal, which is to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. Basic infrastructure is definitely required in many developing countries. Manufacturing can also be an important employer. Also one can look at the infrastructure development which will promote sustainable industrialization.
Another important aspect is risk of Climate Change for all countries. If you look at the B&R Initiative map, you find countries we are talking about are also prone to high Climate Change risk through floods, droughts, typhoons, so on and so forth. Just a few days back, the world had just experienced one such event. This is also an important factor especially when development is going to take place in infrastructure.
Climate Change is a reality, and that's why the COP 21 last year and the Paris Agreement is an important aspect. Countries have agreed to do something about mitigation and adaptation of Climate Change impacts through their INDCs and it is expected that this agreement will come into force soon because all major countries have already signed that agreement. Of course, the agreement involves enhanced use of renewable energy, energy efficiency and adaptive measures.
So way forward, China may look to ensure the financing of infrastructure development based on strong policy frameworks in these countries which basically takes into consideration the public opinion as mentioned by earlier speaker. Sustainable development principles could be at the core of this initiative of infrastructure trade and economic development.
Its is important that industrial development happens on sustainable development principles and Climate Change adaptation and mitigation is part of this strategic development. Sound policies for climate resilient infrastructure development is a need of the hour and this initiative can help countries to adopt such policies, if required. It is important to ensure that infrastructure investment is aligned with Paris Agreement commitment of the involved nations, so that it will also help them meet their commitment.
Last but not least, the B&R Initiative can serve as the goal of common destiny because we are also looking at threats coming from our actions to our destiny.