第三章 命题预测
Directions: Nowadays, tourism has become the biggest industry all around the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The booming_______has brought about_______. In my opinion, however,_______.Although it has become more popular than before, of course,_______has/have a lot of barriers. The first barriers for_______are_______. Therefore,_______.
Another obstacle is_______. As a result,_______.
All things discussed above,_______.
The booming tourist trade has brought about mass population between different nations, which has become a popular thing all around world. In my opinion, however, this fast-growing industry has produced tension between people from different cultural background.
Although it has become more popular than before, of course, the tourist also has a lot of barriers. The first barriers for the tourists from all over the world are the problem of language and custom, as we know, which cause results in conflicts between tourists and local people. Therefore, the tour guide, normally interpreter too, becomes the only link of communication. But unfortunately, as indicated in any guide-training handbook, the responsibility of a tour guide is to arouse the tourists'interest and passion rather than present a lecture on cultural difference, which caused tourists cannot fully understand the cultures and also cut down the communication with local people.
Another obstacle is from the local government. In order to attract foreign investment and improve the local tourism industry, the local government, only hope to show these tourists the part of local living. As a result, these tourists, to some extent, have not their own free time to do they like, they allowed to see only what the organizers want them to see and no more. At this stage, the local government should ask tourists for advice before the traveling.
All things discussed above, the international tourism contributes nothing to increasing understanding. When we going to another country, be taught and understand the customs of that country is the most important thing to do.