I am indebted to many individuals for the successful completion of this book. On a personal note, this book would not have been possible without the unconditional love and support of my wife, Guiyun CHEN, and my daughter, Yu LIU. Both stood by me-without complaint-though more than one year when I labored on this book. In the first half of year 2008, I labored to write this book and they stood by me in China. Later, when I had been working in Philadelphia, they were fighting alone for my daughter's senior school entrance examination in China. While I was laboring in New York updating the draft, both of they worked very hard to prepare for my daughter's national entrance examination. They support me with all their love through overcoming hardship alone during my absence from home. Most importantly, I extend my heartfelt thanks to Professor Shuming ZHAO, my Ph.D. Supervisor who lead me to a new horizon in my academic and personal life, for providing me with opportunity to study at University of Missouri at St. Louise.
I would like to thank Ms. Jing ZHOU, who had first chosen me as the author of this multidisciplinary book in Chinese version, and who recommended the draft to the editor, Zhaohui CHEN for publication of the English version. Without their wisdom on the outline of the book, I will probe in the dark for a long time.
A very special word of my appreciation goes to Christine Kaczmar-Russo, the late Director of Master of Science in International Marketing Program (MIM) of Saint Joseph's University, who either helped to find literature in deep need or provided all kinds of supports so that my life of teaching and academic research as a visiting professor at Saint Joseph's University is far more comfortable and easy than expected. I would like to thank my MIM students at Saint Josh's University for their comment on the manuscripts and their cooperation with me so that our teaching and research of Global Marketing Management drew a perfect close.
I would also like to extend my thanks to my International MBA students at Nanjing University for their inspiring comments and encouraging ideas on a cross cultural study on management from Sino-US language and culture perspective, which outlines the fundamental elements of this book.
Dr. Yongqiang LIU
First Draft in Philadelphia, U.S.A. 2008.
Updated in Manhattan, New York, U.S.A. 2011.
Updated and Finalizedat the foot of Purple Golden Mountain,
Nanjing, China, 2014.