I’m not going to lie to you. Many sophisticated readers will be tempted to dismiss this wonderful little book. To them, the lessons will seem simple, even obvious, and the storylike manner in which it is told might come across as homey.
But as they keep reading, something will hit them. “You know, this stuff makes all the sense in the world.” And not long after that, something else will hit them. “Hey, I’m not doing half of this stuff that makes all the sense in the world!” If they have enough humility and genuine desire to make their lives better, they’ll start taking Ken Blanchard and Jesse Stoner’s advice and watch their organizations and families be transformed.
Once again, though, I’m going to be honest. I think the reason some people might be reluctant to implement these ideas is fear. Maybe they don’t see themselves as capable of acting like Jim or Ellie—the main characters in the story—people who are passionate, emotional, even vulnerable. Maybe they had a vision in the past that failed to materialize, and now they’re afraid that creating an emotionally and intellectually compelling vision will be met with skepticism or, worse, cynicism.
And I don’t blame people for having those fears, because they’re reasonable ones. Anyone who wants to create a transformation—in either one’s personal or professional life—will have to face the distinct possibility of rejection. But for those who do face and overcome that fear, who extract the lessons from this wonderfully powerful and simple book and put them into practice, the rewards will be extraordinary.
So I guess the only question that remains for those who are holding this book in their hands right now is “Which type of person are you?” I hope you’ll have the courage, humility, and wisdom to read on and become the visionary leader that our world so desperately needs.
President of The Table Group and
author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team