第3小时 深度强化与练习
(1) The benefit of logging onto the website is online shopping.
(2) Parents must exert profound influence on their children's schooling.
(3) Uniforms are a lack of variety and the consequent loss of individuality.
(4) I read a wide variety of books: novels, comic books and non-fictional books.
(5) I take photos to record special events: wedding, festival celebration and birthday.
(6) Miss Wu is a very interesting person. She has been my neighbour for almost ten years.
(7) She sometimes shows me a lot of pictures about her life in Russia. It makes me quite interested in going to travel to that country.
2.Part 3高分范文
在雅思口语考试Part 3中,也常常出现对【人物类】话题的深入探讨。例如“What behaviours do you think would make a leader be admired? ”。
现在我们要通过一些高分的表达来体会,在Part 3中,如何使你的回答内容更加有深度和层次。这里我们列举了5种针对这个问题的回答角度,让大家一起深入了解答题的逻辑思路,同时积累高分词汇。
通过和poor leader的对比来突出强调good leader的好品质:
The best leaders make you feel involved in the work that is being done and you know that your support and engagement is acknowledged. Great leaders give you feedback and also share positive feedback about you in public. Poor leaders do the opposite. They make you feel excluded, unsupported and share negative feedback in public.
从good leader的想法理念的角度出发:
Leaders we love share their knowledge freely and do not withhold important information. If anyone has a question, they recognise the question and give a satisfactory answer.
从good leader的性格和做事态度的角度出发:
People often tell me that the best leaders they have worked with are pioneers. They are curious and explore innovative ways of working. It's inspiring to be around people who explore new possibilities.
从good leader管理的角度出发:
Leaders that we love to work with know how to manage relationships with employees and let everyone be heard on a regular basis. To do this requires managers to be good listeners.
从good leader尊重他人的角度出发:
Leaders we admire are also great at marshalling people's new ideas. They know that it takes time for new ideas to grow and develop and they help people to feel good about trying new things. In an organization that is dominated by a blame culture you will feel like the most unsuccessful person on earth if your new idea doesn't work out as planned. Leaders we love know that people with a different perspective might come up with the best solution to a problem being faced.
再例如,针对Part 3中问及的问题“What makes a great teacher? ”,我们给出了6种高分回答,让大家一起深入了解答题的逻辑思路,同时积累高分词汇。
从great teacher要求高的角度出发:
Great teachers set high expectations for all students. They aid those high-achievers to aim higher and don't give up on underachievers.
从great teacher工作形式的角度出发:
Great teachers have clear, written-out objectives. Effective teachers have lesson plans that give students a clear idea of what they will be learning, what the assignments are and what the grading policy is. Assignments have specific learning goals and give students ample opportunities to practice new skills, and teachers will mark and return assignments to students timely and responsibly.
从great teacher对待学生的角度出发:
Great teachers engage students and get them to look at issues in a variety of ways. Effective teachers use facts as a starting point, not an end point;they ask “why” questions, examining all sides and encouraging students to predict what will happen next. They ask questions frequently to make sure students are following along. They try to get the whole class involved rather than make some feel left out. They keep students motivated with varied, lively approaches.
从great teacher与学生之间的关系的角度出发:
Great teachers form strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as people. Great teachers are warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. Teachers with these qualities are known to stay after school and make themselves available to students and parents who need them. They are involved in school-wide committees and activities, and they demonstrate a commitment to the school.
从great teacher专业水准的角度出发:
Great teachers are masters of their subject matter. They exhibit expertise in the subjects they are teaching and spend time continuing to gain new knowledge in their field. They present material in an enthusiastic manner and instill in their students a strong thirst to learn more on their own.
从great teacher与学生之间的交流的角度出发:
Great teachers communicate frequently with parents. They won't hesitate to pick up the telephone to call a parent if they feel there is a need to do so.
类似的表达和思维方式还可以应用到其他【人物类】话题的讨论当中。例如,针对Part 3中问及的问题“What is a role model? ”,我们给出了5种高分回答,让大家一起深入了解答题的逻辑思路,同时积累高分词汇。每一个小标题为整段回答的主旨内容,通过不同角度的切入,使你的内容显得更加丰富和饱满。
Passion and Ability to Inspire.付诸热情与鼓励的能力
Role models show passion for their work and have the capacity to infect others with their passion. Speaking of several of his teachers, one student said, “They're so dedicated to teaching, helping and empowering students. That is such a meaningful gesture. They are always trying to give back to the next generation. That's what truly inspires me.”
Clear Set of Values.清晰的价值观设立
Role models live their values in the world. Children admire people who act in ways that support their beliefs. It helps them understand how their own values are part of who they are and how they might seek fulfilling roles as adults. For example, students spoke of many people who supported causes from education to poverty to the environment. Role models helped these students understand the underlying values that motivated people to become advocates for social changes and innovation.
Commitment to Community.对社群的贡献
Role models are externally oriented as opposed to internally involved. They are usually active in their communities, freely giving their time and unleashing their talent for the benefit of other people. Students admire people who volunteer to reach out to neighbours in need and are active members of community organisations.
Selflessness and Acceptance of Others.无私和接纳他人
Related to the idea that role models show a commitment to their communities, students also admire people for their selflessness and acceptance of others who are different from them. One student spoke of her father, saying “He never sees social barriers. He sees people's needs and acts on them, no matter what their backgrounds or circumstances are. He is never afraid of getting his hands dirty. His life is a story of a man in public service. My father taught me to serve.”
Ability to Overcome Obstacles.克服困难的能力
As Booker T. Washington once said, “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome.” Young people echo this sentiment, showing how they develop the skills and initiative when they learn to overcome obstacles. Not surprisingly, they admire people who show them that success is possible.
● Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education.
You should say:
where you met him/her.
what subject he/she taught.
what was special about him/her.
and explain why this person influenced you so much.
● Describe an historical figure who you know about.
You should say:
who he/ she is
how famous he/ she is
where and when he/she lived
and explain his/ her contribution to the world.
● Describe a person who accidentally became your friend.
You should say:
who the person is
how you met him/her
what made you two become friends
and explain how is your friendship now.