Unit 1
Text I
1.lash [lAF] vi. to hit violently or suddenly突然冲击,猛烈打击:The rain was slashing the windows.雨正急打着窗子。 vt. to whip sth violently鞭打:He slashed the horse cruelly.他狠狠地鞭打那匹马。
2.scoff [skCf] v. to laugh at嘲笑,嘲弄:You are not supposed to scoff at religion.你不应该嘲笑宗教信仰。搭配scoff at意为“嘲笑,嘲弄”。
3.drawstring [`drR:strIN] n. a string or cord that can be pulled tighter or looser to tie up bags拉绳,抽绳:It is a small bag closing with a drawstring and used especially for carrying loose items.这是一种用拉绳系上的小袋子,用于装零碎物品。
4.illusion [i5lu:VEn] n. a) something that deceives a person by seeming to be real错觉,幻觉,错误观念:The sun appears to go around the earth, but it is an illusion.太阳看起来好像围着地球转,但这是错觉。b) a false fact假象:The mirrors all around the walls give an illusion of greater space.墙的四周都是镜子,给人造成一种空间很大的假象。
5.rumble [5rQmbl] n. 隆隆声:We could tell from the rumble of the thunder that rain was coming.我们从隆隆的雷声就可以知道快要下雨了。 v. make a sound of rumble发出隆隆声:The big guns rumbled in the distance.远处炮火轰鸣。搭配rumble on意为“继续下去”。
6.purgatory [5pE:^EtEri] n. a place or condition of great suffering炼狱,受苦的地方:A beautiful woman is the paradise of eyes and purgatory of purse.漂亮的女人是眼睛的天堂,钱包的炼狱。
7.ultimate [5Qltimit] adj. a) most extreme最大的,极限程度的:The ultimate luxury of the trip was flying in Concorde.这一行程中最大的享受就是乘坐协和式飞机。b) the final最后的,最终的:What is your ultimate goal? 你的最终目的是什么?
8.moral [5mCrEl] adj. concerning principles of right and wrong behavior and the difference between good and evil道德的,道义上的:He had no moral objection on moral ground to his friends amusing themselves.从道义上讲,他并不反对他的朋友们自己消遣消遣。
9.dilemma [di5lemE] n. a situation which one has to make a difficult choice两难的境地,左右为难:She was in a dilemma whether to continue to stay at school or get a job.他正左右为难,不知道该继续上学还是找工作。
10.rip [rip] v. to tear apart quickly and violently猛地扯开,撕裂:The more he tears around, the more liable he is to rip his leg off.他越挣扎越容易把腿折断。 n. a rift or a rapture裂缝,裂口:He sewed up the rip on his sleeve.他缝好了袖口上的裂缝。常见搭配有:rip sth to shreds把…撕成碎片;let rip无拘无束地行事;let things rip任其自然
11.soak [sEuk] v. to (cause to) become wet thoroughly by being in a liquid浸泡:Put some liquid on and let it soak naturally.放入一些液体让他慢慢浸透。搭配soak up意为“吸收,使充满”,例如:If you air your quilt on such a wet day, it will soak up the moisture.如果你在这样的阴天晒被子,被子会吸收湿气。
12.flight [flait] n. a) a set of stairs between one floor and the next楼梯的一段:A flight of steps leads up to the front door.一段阶梯通向前门。b) the plane or vehicle that is making the journey航班,航机:He immediately booked a flight to New York.他立刻定了去纽约的航班。常用搭配有:catch a flight赶上航班;miss the flight误机;a flight of stairs一段楼梯
13.pandemonium [7pAndi5mEunjEm] n. a state of wild and noisy disorder喧嚣,嘈杂,混乱:There were complete pandemonium in the kitchen.厨房里一片狼藉。
14.stairwell [stZEwel] n. the space, going up through all the floors of a building, where the stairs are楼梯井,自动扶梯井道:She frantically fled down the stairwell.她疯狂地沿着楼梯井往下逃。
15.descent [di5sent] n. a) the act or process of going down下降,降下:The descent to base camp took about two days.降落到营地大约需要两天。b) your family origins出身,门第:a woman of royal descent出身皇族的女子c) a path that goes down a slope斜坡,坡路:There is no direct descent from the summit从峰顶没有直接下山的坡路。
16.calf [kB:f] n. the part of back of your leg between knee and ankle小腿肚:He had a cramp in his left calf.他的左小腿肚感到麻木。
17.spasm [5spAzEm] n. a sudden uncontrolled movement of muscles痉挛:Tom’s jaw muscles had gone into spasm.汤姆的下颌肌肉痉挛了。搭配a spasm of laughter意为“一阵笑声”;a spasm of fear意为“(突然地)一阵害怕”。
18.heavyset [`hevI`set] adj. (of people) rather broad and strong-looking体格魁伟的:She is a graying, heavyset woman who seems to have aged beyond her years.她是一个满头灰发,看起来比实际年龄老哦粗壮的女人。
19.stoop [stu:p] v. to bend the upper body forward and down弯腰,俯首:We had to stoop to pass through the entrance.我们不得不弯身以通过这个入口。搭配stoop to意为“屈尊,堕落”,例如:He is too lofty to stoop to vulgar intrigue.他的清高使他还不至于屈就卑俗的勾当。
20.bank [bANk] n. a) arranged close together in a row一排(同类物品),一系列(机器):banks of TV monitors一系列电视监控器;b) a large mass of cloud, mist积云,积雪:a fog bank积云;banks of mist层层雾气
21.butt [bQt] n. a) the buttocks, the part of the body on which a person sits屁股:a baby’s soft little butt婴儿软软的小屁股;b) to be the person or thing that other people often make jokes about笑柄,笑话:He quickly became the butt of everyone’s jokes.他很快成为大家的笑柄。c) the end of a cigarette after most of it has been smoked烟头,烟蒂:He threw the cigarette butt into the astray.他把烟头扔进了烟灰缸。
Text II
1.skyscraper [5skaIskreIpE(r)] n. high buildings摩天大楼:Soon I was stepped into the plush comfort of a skyscraper office.不久之后,我又踏入了一间摩天大厦中的极其舒适的办公室。
2.hijack [5haidVAk] v. a) to take control of an airplane or other vehicle during a journey, especially using violence劫车,劫机:The plane was hijacked soon after it took off.那架飞机起飞后不久被劫持了。b) to take control of something and use it for your own purposes操纵(会议等):Some people think the party has been hijacked by right-wing extremists.一些人认为该政党已被右翼极端分子所操纵。
3.investigate [in5vesti^eit] v. to observe or inquire in detail, examine systematically调查,研究:The police are investigating the murder.警察在调查那起凶杀案件。
4.strike [straik] v. a) to hit or fall against the surface of something攻击, 袭击; 侵袭:A hurricane struck the city.飓风袭击了该城市。b) if something strikes you, you think of it, notice it, or realize that it is important, interesting, true etc(突然)出现于(某人的)脑海中:As I watched them, an idea struck me.我看着他们时, 产生了一个想法。c) to leave a deep impression给…以深刻印象:His enthusiasm for study struck his teacher favorably.他勤奋学习的热情给老师留下了良好的印象。
5.resist [ri5zist] v. a) to fight against something or someone that is attacking you抵抗,反抗:The city resisted the enemy onslaught for two weeks.这个城市反抗敌人的猛攻达两个星期之久。b) to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do忍住,顶住:She can never resist buying new shoes.她总忍不住要买新鞋。其形容词形式为:resistant有抵抗力的,阻止的
6.clear [kliE] v. a) to make somewhere emptier or tidier by removing things from it开辟(道路等);开垦,开拓:They cleared some 300 acres in the jungle.他们在丛林地带中开拓出大约 300英亩田地。b) to prove that someone is not guilty of something摆脱;消除(嫌疑、罪名等);使清白无辜;宣判…无罪:The presiding judge cleared him of a charge.审判长宣告他无罪。c) if the weather, sky, mist etc clears, it becomes better and there is more sun使干净;使明亮;使清澈:The rain cleared the air, and the grass smelt fresh and sweet.雨水使空气变得洁净,青草发出清新芬芳的气味。
7.propose [prE5pEuz] v. a) to put forward for consideration, discussion or adoption提议,建议:They proposed to make arrangement beforehand.他们提议事先做好安排。b) to ask someone to marry you, especially in a formal way求婚:He proposed to me only six months after we met.我们认识六个月后他就向我求婚了。搭配propose a toast意为“建议举杯庆祝”。
8.refuge [5refju:dV] n. shelter or protection from trouble, danger庇护,避难,避难所:They took refuge in a cave yesterday.他们昨天是在一个洞里避难的。名词refugee意为“难民”。
9.currently [5kQrEntlI] adv. at the present time当前;目前;眼下:Our contracts are currently under review.我们的合同正在复查。She is currently appearing at the Liverpool Playhouse.她目前正在利物浦剧院演出。
10.height [hait] n. a) how tall someone or something is高度,身高:The city is a height of three hundred feet above sea level.这座城市的高度是海拔300英尺。b) the busiest or most extreme part of a period or activity顶点, 极度, 最佳点, 最强点, 顶点:We work hard to reach new height.为了达到新高峰, 我们努力工作。搭配have a head for heights意为“不恐高”。