
1.5 研究特色
(1) 郭文奇.关于我国食品安全问题的深层思考[J].中国食品学报,2013,13(1):1-4.
(2) 谢超儿.联商年度盘点:2014年最受关注食品安全事件[EB/OL].(2015-01-15)[2015-02-27].http://www.linkshop.com.cn/web/archives/2015/315104.shtml.
(3) 文晓巍,刘妙玲.食品安全的诱因、窘境与监管:2002—2011年[J].改革,2012(9):37-42.
(4) 文晓巍,赵刚.预警缺失处罚不力是食品安全监管的“软肋”[N].南方日报,2012-07-15(007).
(5) 由于食品供应链安全风险是食品供应链风险最核心的内容,也是食品供应链关键风险因素,在不特殊指明的情况下,食品供应链风险就是指食品供应链安全风险(在本书的相关概念部分有专门阐述),因而这里所指食品供应链风险即为食品供应链安全风险。
(6) 吴军,李健,汪寿阳.供应链风险管理中的几个重要问题[J].管理科学学报,2006,9(6):1-12.
(7) Zsidisin G A. Managerial Perceptions of Supply Risk [J]. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2003, 39 (1): 14-25.
(8) Wagner S、Bode C. An empirical investigation into supply chain vulnerability [J]. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 2006, 12 (6): 301-312.
(9) Becker T. Consumer perception of fresh meat quality: a framework for analysis [J]. British Food Journal, 2000, 102 (3): 158-76.
(10) Peck H. Reconciling supply chain vulnerability, risk and supply chain management [J]. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2006, 9 (2): 127-142.
(11) Van Rijswijk W and Frewer L J. Consumer perceptions of food quality and safety and their relation to traceability [J]. British Food Journal, 2008, 110 (10): 1034-1046.
(12) Dani S and Deep A. Fragile food supply chains: reacting to risks [J]. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2010, 13 (5): 395-410.
(13) Diabat A, Govindan K, Panicker V V. Supply chain risk management and its mitigation in food industry [J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2011, 50 (11): 3039-3050.
(14) 杨波.浅论我国食品行业供应链风险识别与控制[J].中国市场,2008(41):120-121.
(15) 刘畅,张浩,安玉发.中国食品质量安全薄弱环节、本质原因及关键控制点研究——基于1460个食品质量安全事件的实证分析[J].农业经济问题,2011(1):24-31.
(16) Robson I. Rawnsley V. Co-operation or coercion? Supplier networks and relationships in the UK food industry [J]. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2001, 6 (1): 39-47.
(17) Hennessy D A, Roosen J and Jensen H H. Systemic failure in the provision of safe food [J]. Food Policy, 2003, 28 (1): 77-96.
(18) Unnevehr L J. Jensen H H. Industry costs to make food safe: now and under a risk based system [A]. Hoffmann S and Taylor M. Toward Safer Food: Perspectives on Risk and Priority Setting [C]. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, 2005: 105-128.
(19) 许福才,蒙少东.浅析食品供应链风险管理[J].黑龙江农业科学,2010(1):82-85.
(20) Whipple J M, Voss M D, Closs D J. Supply chain security practices in the food industry: Do firms operating globally and domestically differ? [J]. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2009, 39 (7): 574-594.
(21) Hirschauer N, Bavorova M. An analytical framework for a behavioral analysis of non-compliance in food supply chains [J]. British Food Journal, 2012, 114 (9): 1212-1227.
(22) 郗恩崇,陈鹏.食品供应链的风险诱因分析[J].交通企业管理,2011(7):74-75.
(23) 吕园园.基于供应链的超市食品安全风险成因分析研究[J].经营管理者,2009(14):117-118.
(24) 张卫斌,顾振宇.基于食品供应链管理的食品安全问题发生机理分析[J].食品工业科技,2007(1):215-220.
(25) 江勇,刘秀丽,沈厚才.基于委托代理模型分析奶制品供应链上的道德风险问题[J].物流技术,2009(9):105-107.
(26) 张诚,张广胜.农产品供应链风险影响因素的ISM分析[J].江西社会科学,2012(3):53-57.
(27) 吴群.食品供应链中生产企业质量风险因素及防范措施[J].物流技术,2012(7):328-330.
(28) 陈原,陈康裕,李杨.环境因素对供应链中生产者食品安全行为的影响机制仿真分析[J].中国安全生产科学技术,2011(9):107-114.
(29) 李红.中国食品供应链风险及关键控制点分析[J].江苏农业科学,2012,40(5):262-264.
(30) 雷晞琳,莫鸣,戴健飞.食品供应链中食品安全风险的来源与防范[J].企业活力,2012(11):28-32.
(31) Moore C M. Integrating Food Safety Risk Assessment and Consumer-Focused Risk Communication [D]. Raleigh: North Carolina State University, 2009.
(32) 王慧敏,乔娟,宁攸凉.消费者对安全食品购买意愿的影响因素分析——基于北京市城镇消费者“绿色食品”认证猪肉消费行为的实证分析[J].中国畜牧杂志,2012(6):48-52.
(33) 林朝朋,谢如鹤,许晓春,等.消费者对猪肉供应链安全风险的关注程度和信息获取渠道分析——基于韶关市消费者的调查分析[J].广东农业科学,2008(3):100-102.
(34) 王志刚,王斯文.消费者对食品安全风险来源的关注度分析——基于全国城乡居民的问卷调查[J].中国食物与营养,2012,18(5):37-40.
(35) 尹世久,陈默,徐迎军.消费者安全认证食品多源信任融合模型研究——以有机食品为例[J].江南大学学报(人文社会科学版),2012,11(2):114-120.
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(38) FAO/WHO guidance to governments on the application of HACCP in small and/or less-developed food businesses [J]. Fao Food and Nutrition Paper, 2006 (86): 1-74.
(39) Toyofuku H. Joint FAO/WHO/IOC activities to provide scientific advice on marine biotoxins (research report) [J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2006, 52 (12): 1735–1745.
(40) Tait P, Cullen R. Some External Costs of Dairy Farming in Canterbury [A]. The 50th Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society annual conference[C]. Sydney Australia, February 8-10, 2006.
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(42) Stringer M F, Hall M N. The Breakdowns in Food Safety Group: A generic model of the integrated food supply chain to aid the investigation of food safety breakdowns [J]. Food Control, 2007, 18: 755-765.
(43) Manning L. Development of a food safety verification risk model [J]. British Food Journal, 2013, 115 (4): 575-589.
(44) Manning L, Soon J M. Mechanisms for assessing food safety risk [J]. British Food Journal, 2013, 115 (3): 460-484.
(45) Manzini R, Accorsi R. The new conceptual framework for food supply chain assessment [J]. Journal of Food Engineering, 2013 (115): 251-263.
(46) Handler P. Some Comments on Risk Assessment [R]. National Research Council, Current Issues and Studies, Annual Report. Washington, D. C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1979.
(47) Slovic P. The perception of risk [J]. Risk Society&Policy, 2000, 69 (3): 112-112.
(48) Nestle M. Safe Food: Bacteria, Biotechnology and Bioterrorism [M]. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.16.
(49) Manning L, Baines R N, Chadd S A. Food safety management in broiler meat production [J]. British Food Journal, 2006a, 108 (8): 605-621.
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(51) Van Kleef E, Houghton J R, Krystallis A, et al. Consumer evaluations of food risk management quality in Europe [J]. Risk Analysis, 2007, 27 (6): 1565-1580.
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(57) 杨小敏.我国食品安全风险评估模式之改革[J].浙江学刊,2012(2):141-149.
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(64) 韩杨,乔娟.食品安全追溯体系形成机理及研究进展[J].农业质量标准,2009(4):46-49.
(65) Diabat A, Govindan K, Panicker V V. Supply chain risk management and its mitigation in food industry [J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2011, 50 (11): 3039-3050.
(66) Dani S and Deep A. Fragile food supply chains: reacting to risks [J]. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2010, 13 (5): 395-410.
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(69) 邓淑芬,吴广谋,赵林度,等.食品供应链安全问题的信号博弈模型[J].物流技术,2005(10):135-137.
(70) 吕亚荣.食品安全管制中的政府责任及策略[J].改革,2006(6):103-108.
(71) 聂强大.基于战略视角的中国食品行业供应链风险控制[J].市场周刊(理论研究),2008(11):12-13.
(72) 王菡,韩瑞珠,赵林度.基于ES模型的供应链系统风险度量[J].统计与决策,2008(8):10-12.
(73) 左两军,王雄志.不同管制条件下食品供应链成员企业的质量管理行为分析[J].华南农业大学学报(社会科学版),2008(2):70-77.
(74) 周清杰.论我国当前食品安全监管体制的制度困局[J].北京工商大学学报(社会科学版),2008(6):28-32.
(75) 吴素春,张琴丽,胡坤.食品供应链中核心企业食品安全风险防范分析[J].科技创业月刊,2009(10):79-80.
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