3.5 Water Resources Investigation
3.5.1 Water resources investigation shall be conducted respectively for surface water,ground water and reclaimed water,among which surface water is the most crucial factor.
3.5.2 The investigation on surface water resources shall cover basic information of rivers(lakes)and water projects in the area,conversion between precipitation and surface runoff,temporal and spatial distribution of surface water resources,amount of passing-by water,water intake and supply capacity,amount of water consumption and return of water,ecological water demands,water quality,water function zoning and water environmental function zoning(water quality management objectives),effects of human activities on river runoff,integrated regional water resources planning and water resources bulletin.
3.5.3 The investigation on the pollution of water resource shall cover pollution source and its distribution,current situation of surface water and ground water quality,and the change trend of water quality.
3.5.4 The investigation on hydraulic facilities shall cover the following:
1 The quantity,distribution,flood control standard and utilization of flood control works;
2 The quantity,distribution,capacity and utilization of flood drainage works;
3 The quantity,distribution,capacity and utilization of water supply and irritation works;
4 The quantity,distribution,capacity and utilization of water resource scheduling works;and
5 The current status and planning of hydraulic facilities.
3.5.5 Water consumption investigation shall be conducted separately for industrial water,agricultural(husbandry)water,domestic water,and ecological water,and cover the following:
1 According to the current status and planning,the investigation on industrial water shall cover the following:
1)The category,scale and development of factories,water sources,water intake facilities,water intake capacities,water intake locations and the elevation of intakes,water intake time,water consumption quota and design criteria,maximum and average monthly and annual water consumption,the proportions of consumed surface water and ground water,reuse coefficient,and inter-basin diversion;
2)The maximum and average monthly and annual net consumption;
3)The maximum and average monthly and annual discharge,locations and capacities of outfalls,drainage time,and major drainage paths;
2 According to the current status and planning,the investigation on agricultural(husbandry)water shall cover the following:
1)Locations and distribution of agricultural irritation area,categories,composition and layout of crops within irritation areas,irritation system and mode,multiple-cropping index,irritation area,the areas of paddy field and dry land,guarantee rate of irritation,irritation quota,gross irritation quota,net irritation quota,water sources for irritation,diversion(pumping)facilities,design capacity,diversion(pumping)locations and the elevation of intakes,the lowest intake level,diversion(pumping)time and amount,the maximum and average monthly and annual consumption;
2)Outflow locations of irritation return water,return time and amount,monthly distribution coefficient,return coefficient,utilization coefficient of channels,maximum and average monthly and annual return amount;
3)Water consumption,population,area and scope of pastoral area,number of livestock,standards for water consumption,water sources,mode,facilities and capacity of water intake,maximum and average monthly and annual water consumption;
3 The investigation on domestic water consumption shall cover population,design standards for water consumption,maximum and average monthly and annual water consumption;
4 The investigation on ecological water demands shall cover water sources and methods for determining ecological water demands.
3.5.6 The investigation on urban reclaimed water shall cover the condition of wastewater treatment,locations of wastewater treatment plants and their capacity,processes,current status and planned blowdown and assimilation capacities,condition of wastewater collection pipeline and drainage of reclaimed water,current status and utilization planning of reclaimed water and analysis report on water quality.
3.5.7 The investigation on effects of human activities on river runoff shall cover the following:
1 The probability that human activities affect hydrological characteristics of the river shall be evaluated;
2 The basic information of river runoff before and after being affected by human activities and the effects of human activities on the variation law of hydrological characteristics shall be investigated;
3 The survey on human activities shall cover river channel improvement,reservoirs,dikes and dams,sluices,diversion(separation)works,flood control,groynes,mining,quarrying and soil and water conservation.
3.5.8 All investigation data shall be as accurate as possible.Important indicators shall be verified at site and be reviewed for rationality.When significant difference occurs,the data shall be rechecked and corrected or properly selected with the help of the unit where the data comes from.Latest investigation data after recheck shall be used.