18 我毕业了
★学生引用了教授报告中的一些句子。The student cited some sentences from the professor’s report.
★青春在我们不知不觉中逝去。Youth glided past without our awareness.
★如果你努力,你的抱负是可以实现的。You will achieve your ambition if you work hard.
★我记得她的脸,但想不起她的名字了。I remember her face, but can’t recall her name.
★学校授予她硕士学位。The university confers master degree on her.
thesis 论文
•专题论文 dissertation
•专著 monograph
•毕业论文 graduation thesis
•论文答辩 thesis defense
•学术论文 academic thesis
preface 前言
•作序 contribute a preface
•精彩的序言 fine preface
•前言 prolegomena
•简介 introduction
cite 引用
•举例 cite an example
•引用 quote
•提到 mention
•涉及 refer to
speculative 推理的
•推测 speculate
•不确定的 uncertain
•理论上的 theoretical
•理性的 rational
consult 查阅
•商量 consult with
•查阅书 consult a book
•查阅字典 consult a dictionary
•查阅地图 consult a map
abstract 摘要
•摘录 extract
•摘要 brief
•概要 summary
•文摘 digest
annotation 注释
•笔记 note
•解释 explanation
•注释 annotate
comparison 比较
•相比之下 by comparison
•进行比较 make a comparison
•对照表 comparison table
•相比 compare
•对比 contrast
index 索引
•索引系统 index system
•编索引 compile an index/do an index
•作者索引 author index
•书的索引 index of the book
plagiarize 抄袭
•剽窃者 plagiarizer plagiarist
•抄袭的 plagiaristic
•作弊 cheat
unproven 未经检验的
•未经检验的 untested
•检验 prove
•被证实的 proven
•检查 inspect
logically 逻辑上
•不合逻辑地 illogically
•合逻辑的 logical
•逻辑思维 logical thinking
•逻辑推理 logical reasoning
conclusive 决定性的
•决定性证据 conclusive evidences
•总结表 conclusive table
•最终的 final
•决定性的 decisive
bibliography 参考书目
•参考书目 reference
•文献 literatu
commencement 毕业典礼
•毕业典礼 graduation ceremony
•仪式 ceremony
•庆典 celebration
•节日 festival
ambition 抱负
•志向 aspiration
•渴望 craving
•终身的抱负 a lifelong ambition
•怀有抱负 entertain an ambition
recall 回想起
•回想起 recall to mind
•不能记起 beyond recall
•想起 think of
•记起 come back
•使想起 remind
classmate reunion 同学聚会
•家庭团聚 family reunion
•团圆饭 family reunion dinner
•聚会 get-together
•集会 gathering
be determined to 坚决
•由……决定 be determined by
•有待决定的 to be determined
•坚决 put one’s foot down
•决定 determine on
contact 联系
•联系人 contact person
•联系方式 contact details
•断开关 break contact
•与某人保持联系 keep in touch with sb.
fleeting 短暂的
•快速的 fleet
•飞逝的时间 fleeting time
•短暂的 short
fare welldinner 送别宴
•送行 see off
•再见 goodbye
•告别 farewell
diploma 文凭
•教育学文凭 education diploma
•大学文凭 college diploma
•研究生文凭 postgraduate diploma
•证书 certificate
youth 青春
•珍惜青春 cherish one’s youth
•失去青春 lose one’s youth
•保持青春 keep youth
•浪费青春 waste one’s youth
memorable 难忘的
•记忆 memory
•记忆犹新 be fresh in one’s memory
•一次难忘的经历 a memorable experience
•难忘的 unforgettable