Cacti 0.8 Beginner's Guide

Time for action – creating the poller's cron entry and Cacti's system account

  1. To create a Cacti system user called cactiuser, issue the following command as root:
    adduser cactiuser
  2. Navigate to the cacti directory:
    cd /var/www/html/cacti
  3. Change the ownership of the rra and log directory to the newly created user:
    chown –R cactiuser rra/ log/
  4. Add the poller cron entry. Edit the file cacti in /etc/cron.d:
    vi /etc/cron.d/cacti
  5. Add the following line to the file:
    */5 * * * * cactiuser /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/cacti/poller.php > /dev/null 2>&1
  6. Save the file.

What just happened?

You just created a system user which runs the Cacti poller and scheduled the poller to run every 5 minutes. Five minutes is the default interval, but it can be changed to 1 minute if needed. For more information on how to do so, go the following post in the Cacti forums:

Installing the Spine poller

By default, Cacti comes with a poller written in PHP. For small-to-medium installations, this poller does its job just fine, but for larger installations, an alternative poller, spine, needs to be used. It is written in C and is much faster than the original poller, as it makes use of the multi-tasking capabilities of modern operating systems and hardware.

Here we will deep-dive into installing and configuring the spine poller.