Cloning Internet Applications with Ruby


We stand on the shoulders of giants. This has been true since the time of Newton (and even before) and it is certainly true now. Much of what we know and learn of programming, we learnt from the pioneering programmers before us and what we leave behind to future generations of programmers is our hard-earned experience and precious knowledge. This book is all about being the scaffolding upon which the next generation of programmers stands when they build the next Sistine Chapel of software.

There are many ways that we can build this scaffolding but one of the best ways is simply to copy from what works. Many programming books attempt to teach with code samples that the readers can reproduce and try it out themselves. This book goes beyond code samples. The reader doesn’t only copy snippets of code or build simple applications but have a chance to take a peek at how a few of the most popular Internet applications today can possibly be built. We explore how these applications are coded and also the rationale behind the way they are designed. The aim is to guide the programmer through the steps of building clones of the various popular Internet applications.