序 二
Malignant tumor is increasing in the world in spite of the most high death cause.Numerous researchers including biochemists,oncologists and clinicians have been paying efforts to analyze the cancerogenesis and cancer behaviors in the host and to establish satisfactory cancer therapeutic methods.According to their efforts,new excellent fruits are accumulating,in both basic and clinical fields.In such circumstances,it is truly worthy and essentially requisite for us to study the up-date knowledge and techniques for cancer research and treatment.I am very pleasant to get this book,which is matched with today's requirements.
This book consists of two parts,the basic and the clinical.In the basic chapters,up-date oncological and biological knowledge and techniques are introduced,including introduction of tumor pathology,proteomics,genomics,intracellular signal transduction and cancer immunity.In the clinical chapters,new treatment approaches with their logics and the ordinary therapeutic maneuver are introduced and explained.
These basic and clinical contents appear very useful for the understanding of the advancing oncology and for treatment of tumors.Therefore,I would like to recommend this book to graduate students,basic researchers,especially,to oncologists and clinicians.
Tokio Osaki
Tokio Osaki(尾崎登喜雄)
Professor Emeritus(名誉教授)of National University Corporation Kochi University(国立大学法人高知大学)
Job History(履历)
Professor of Oral Surgery,Kochi Medical University(高知医科大学口腔外科学教室教授),Former Vice President and excecutive member of National University Corporation Kochi(国立大学法人高知大学前理事•副学长),vice President of Japan Oral Science Association(日本口腔科学会副理事长),excecutive member of Japan Oral Surgery Association(日本口腔外科学会理事)。