DNS and Resource Location
The last chapter was spent dissecting networks to such a degree that most readers will likely never think about them again. In this chapter, we'll take those concepts and look at their real-world implementations. We'll start with a look at how the problem of resource allocation is solved at the scale of the internet. Distributing resources is useless without being able to access them from across your network, and this chapter will introduce you to the systems and standards that make doing so possible. As we investigate these topics, we'll finally get our hands dirty with some code. Throughout this chapter, we'll look at software examples to get you familiar with leveraging the tools available with the .NET Core framework.
The following topics will be covered in this chapter:
- How data and services are exposed and made available on everything from your home Wi-Fi network to the internet
- The specific standards used to identify resources at different levels of your network, from URLs and domain names, to devices names and local directory access
- Using the DNS class in .NET Core to access external resources and resolve requests for data within your network