Getting Started with Tableau 2018.x

The toolbar options

Whether you are working on a Worksheet, Dashboard, or Story, you can always see the toolbar on top. Let's review the different options it offers while knowing that a lot of specific words will be explained in other chapters:

  • Tableau icon : Opens the start page (you don't lose your work).
  • Undo : Reverses your action. The great thing is that you can undo an unlimited number of times, starting back from the very beginning if you want!
  • Redo : Useful if you undo a bit too much. You can redo the most recent undone action.
  • Save : Saves your Workbook on your computer.
  • Add a new Data Source : Opens the menu to choose a new connection to a file or a server.
  • Auto update Pause /Play : Interrupts all the queries to the connection. If you try to build a visualization, everything will be grayed out until you hit play again. It's useful when the query is very long.
  • Refresh : Executes a query to refresh the data.
  • New Worksheet : Opens a new blank Worksheet.
  • Duplicate Worksheet : Creates a copy of the current Worksheet. 
  • Clear : Removes the pills and formatting in the Worksheet. You can use the arrow to clear only specific parts.
  • Swap : Replaces the pills in Rows with those in the Columns and vice versa.
  • Sort ascending : Automatically sorts the selected Dimension from the lowest value to the highest value. 
  • Sort descending : Automatically sorts the selected Dimension from the highest value to the lowest value. 
  • Highlight : Enables or disables highlights in the Worksheet or Workbook.
  • Group : A shortcut to create Groups.
  • Show Labels : A shortcut to display the Labels.
  • Fix axis : By default, the axis range is automatic. With this option, you can fix the axis at its current state.
  • Fit : Defines how the Worksheet should fit on the screen. For Standard, the size of the cells defines the size of the visualization. The other fitting options force the View to fit the width, the height, or both.
  • Show/Hide Cards : Opens a menu where you can decide which elements to show in the current Worksheet.
  • Presentation mode : Turns Tableau fullscreen for your presentation.
  • Share : Opens a new window to publish the Workbook on a Tableau Server/Online or Tableau Public.
  • Show me : Lets you, at any time, change the visualization in the Worksheet.

Before we finish this chapter, it's important to understand one last fundamental element of Tableau: the difference between a Live connection and an Extract.