Getting Started with Tableau 2018.x

Profit by state – filled map

Ready for the third and last visualization of this tutorial? We are going to see where the profit is generated and use Tableau mapping power:

  1. Start by creating a new Worksheet.
(Hint: click on the New Worksheet icon, at the bottom:  )
  1. Double-click on Country. Tableau automatically puts the generated longitude and latitude in columns and rows and generates a map. As you can see, the company only sell products in the US. 
  2. Double-click on State. Each point now represents a State:

  1. Drag and drop Profit in Color:

You can visually (and easily) see that the states of New York and California generate the most profit and Texas generates the worst money loss.

  1. Rename the Worksheet Profit by State.

In the next chapters, we'll see how to customize maps and how to switch from a filled map (choropleth) to points.

Congratulations! You just built three visualizations to analyze your supermarket sales and profit in the following way:

  • By sub-categories with a bar chart
  • Over time, quarterly with a line chart
  • By state, with a filled-map

It's now time to build your first Dashboard. You'll be able to make your Worksheets communicate together and enhance your analysis capabilities.