Getting Started with Tableau 2018.x

Assembling the Dashboard

The first step when you build a Dashboard is to assemble your Worksheets:

  1. Drag and drop the Profit by State Worksheet where Tableau invites you to do so.
  2. Drag and drop the Sales and profit by Sub-Category Worksheet beneath the map. The gray area helps you to see where the Worksheets are going to be:

  1. Drag and drop the Profit Evolution Worksheet on the right of Sales and profit by Sub-Category. Again, use the gray area to preview the location:

  1. Double-click on Dashboard 1 at the bottom and rename your Dashboard Sales and profit analysis, for example. 
  2. Click on Show dashboard title to show the title:

That's it! You built your first Dashboard!

Is that it? Of course not! The magic starts in the next section.