Folder and file structure
The following folder structure only shows the files that are relevant for the MERN skeleton backend. With these files, we will produce a functioning, standalone server-side application:
| mern_skeleton/
| -- config/
| --- config.js
| -- server/
| --- controllers/
| ---- auth.controller.js
| ---- user.controller.js
| --- helpers/
| ---- dbErrorHandler.js
| --- models/
| ---- user.model.js
| --- routes/
| ---- auth.routes.js
| ---- user.routes.js
| --- express.js
| --- server.js
| -- .babelrc
| -- nodemon.json
| -- package.json
| -- template.js
| -- webpack.config.server.js
This structure will be further expanded in the next chapter, where we complete the skeleton application by adding a React frontend.