Moodle Gradebook(Second Edition)

About the Author

Rebecca Barrington has been using Moodle for over 9 years while working at South Devon College. She provides a range of support, training, and information guides for teaching staff and uses Moodle in her own teaching. She has a keen interest in using technology to support learning and is continually developing new ways of using Moodle and applying them to the development of online courses for use by students.

South Devon College has a reputation for their use of technology, and Rebecca has travelled around the UK to deliver training and advice on using Moodle to other organizations as well as at regional and national events. She has delivered presentations on Moodle at a number of UK MoodleMoots and was a keynote speaker at the iMoot 2013. She is also a regular contributor to online VLE forums where she shares ideas and advice.

Rebecca can be found online via Twitter at @bbarri ngton.

I would like to thank my family and friends, in particular Marilyn, Dave, Maria, and Rob, for giving me the free time to write and for checking that the information made sense to non-Moodlers! I would also like to thank Bayley, Madeline, Emilie, and Ava for allowing me to use their names (and their parents who gave their consent) so that we had some students to apply the grades to.

I would like to thank South Devon College for allowing me to write this book and the teaching staff who are using the Gradebook to track grades and progress to support our students. Thank you for putting the instructions into real-life practice and for helping me find every option and customization to meet specific course needs! This book represents the true application of the Gradebook in action.

I would also like to thank all at Packt Publishing, especially the reviewers, for their support while writing and updating this book.