This code is developed by Sinopec Shanghai Engineering Co.,Ltd in cooperation with other involved organizations based on the requirements of Document JIANBIAO〔2009〕No.88 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People s Republic of China-Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2009.
In preparing this code,the development team made special studies and extensive investigations,summarized the practices on the rotary machine design in recent ten years,solicited the comments from the designers,manufacturers,users and erectors,discussed the This code comprises 12 chapters and 1 appendix,and mainly covers general provisions,terms,basic requirements,pumps and hydraulic turbines,agitators,vacuum pumps,Compressors and Fans,steam turbines,expanders and gas turbines,centrifuges,accessories,inspection and testing,and painting,marking Packaging and shipment.
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People s Republic of China is in charge of administration of this code.China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation is responsible for its routine management.Sinopec Shanghai Engineering Co.,Ltd is tasked for explanation of specific technical contents.All relevant organizations are kindly requested to sum up your experiences in actual practices during the process of implementing this code.The relevant comments and information can be posted or passed on to Sinopec Shanghai Engineering Co.,Ltd(Address:769 Zhangyang Rd.,Pudong New Area,Shanghai,Post code:200120)as a reference for revising this code in the future.
Chief development organization,participating development organizations,participating organizations,chief drafters and chief reviewers staff of this code:
Chief Development Organization:
Sinopec Shanghai Engineering Co.,Ltd
Participating Development Organizations:
Sinopec Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corporation
Sinopec Engineering Incorporation
China Huanqiu Contracting& Engineering Corp.
Sinopec Ningbo Engineering Co.,Ltd
China Chengda Engineering Co.,Ltd
Sinopec Nanjing Engineering Co.,Ltd
Participating Organizations:
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,Ltd
Sulzer(Dalian)Pumps and Compressors Ltd
Dalian Hermetic Pump Co.,Ltd
Milton Roy Industrial(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd
Gardner Denver Nash Machinery Ltd(GDNC)
Sichuan Sunny Seal Co.,Ltd
Dalian Deep Blue Pump Co.,Ltd
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute
Shanghai Nikkiso Non-seal Pump Co.,Ltd
Guangdong Kenflo Pump Co.,Ltd
Eagle Burgmann China
Chief Drafters:
Chen Wei Jiang Guo Yang Chengjiong Zhang Jing'an Yue Ping
Xing Guikun Huang Shuilong Qi Minggui Yang Limin Su Yanchu
Zhang Yibing Cao Yongjun Wang Gang Wang Chunmao
Chief Reviewers:
Fan Deming Ge Chunyu Ye Wenbang Zhang Xiufeng Zhao Xianqi
Li Yanbin Cen Qishun Huang Guang Zhou Youshi Song Siyuan
Yang Yanhong Zou Lili Guo Wei Ren Jimin Zhang Youhua Xiao Haitao
Lu Zheng Li Shixiong Kuang Guojun Shi Ling