基思·伯内特爵士(Keith Burnett)
Over two and a half thousand years ago, the Ancient Greek Philosopher Heraclitus observed that the one constant in life was change.“All is flux,”he said.“Nothing stays still.”
As a scientist for almost five decades, I can confirm that Heraclitus was correct. In my lifetime I have seen enormous changes for individuals and our understanding of the world.
As a young man in 1970 I took my first flight to Paris from my home in Wales. It should I say flights. The journey was broken into three parts and took a full day. Years later it took me less time to fly to Beijing, tracking my journey on the monitor in front of me as I travelled over mountains and oceans.
There have been so many other breakthroughs too. The large computers of my youth were miniaturized until they could fit on a desk or even into a phone. They were networked together so knowledge could be shared.
As a young man I saw a man set foot on the moon and then safely return to our planet. Through the new medium of television, all nations viewed our earth from space and realised we shared a common home. Years later I would watch China launch its own space station, a sign of its extraordinary technological development.
But some of the changes I saw brought problems as well as benefits for the people and communities I knew best.
I grew up in the Rhondda Valley in Wales, a place famous for mining and steel manufacture which provided local employment. My father-in-law helped design and build one of the great steel works of the region and my father worked for a company that made industrial ceramics. Manufacturing was all around me.
I left my valley to study at Oxford University but my home region was already changing and facing industrial decline. With it came unemployment and economic difficulties. The jobs which has once been so plentiful for local young people dried up. It seemed that the jobs of the future would be found in other places and lines of work.
But I never accepted the ideas I was learning as a scientist should be separated from the technical abilities of skilled workers. My father had made it clear to me that the life of the mind should not be separated from the skills of the hand. To separate theory from application was an error.
I knew this was true from my work as a physicist. All good scientists will readily tell you that their ability to make important discoveries about the nature, the universe or the makeup of a virus is dependent on outstanding technical skills, whether that is in creating a particle collider or sequencing DNA. Our communications needed breakthroughs in semiconductor technologies. The space station needed an understanding of high performance metals and how these could be manufactured.
So it was I came to recognise the powerful impact of bringing together research and the manufacturing industries of my childhood in what has been called a fourth industrial revolution-one that unites our break through technologies with the places and people who make things.
This approach I saw might be the power to bring new life to the struggling post-industrial wastelands of my home valley in Wales, of the North of England or to the manufacturing heartlands of China-now also facing cheaper labour costs from overseas and the loss of employment.
What was especially exciting to me was the possibility that this approach might create opportunities for young people and restore the dignity of the workers who would forge their futures in new factories in which digital technologies would work hand-in-hand with existing skills and craftsmanship. On the very site of former factories and mines, new research campuses could grow which would create jobs for communities and orders for companies. The tired industrial towns and cities could have new life.
Those who make such a change possible need vision and a willingness to do things differently. But the rewards will be seen in the work and lives of those who make this transition. In the process we might also develop greener design industrial processes which do less damage to our environment, which keep the air cleaner and preserve the resources of our planet for generations to come.
The great teacher Confucius said,“They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.”But the change this book is proposing unites what we have long known with what we are just discovering, how to make things better and improve our lives in the process.
This text was written to help the industrialists, policy makers, researchers and workers of China to understand how this shift might take place. It is the work of my former student Professor Ma who has dedicated his energies to this challenge just as he first did to the study of Physics, convinced that this change might benefit the people of China and beyond. I commend it to his readers in the hope that it will help future generations make a better society and world.