Section 2 AIDS

Introduction of AIDS
AIDS is acronym of acquired immune deficiency syndrome that is caused by human immunodeficiency virus(HIV). AIDS is a new infectious disease that severely plagues health of human being,manifesting lymphadenectasis,anorexia,chronic diarrhea,weight loss and fever. With time going by a wide variety of opportunistic infections may develop and patients of AIDS succumb to secondary tumors and neuromental disorders ultimately.
HIV is transmitted via three routes:blood or blood products,sexual contact and mother-to-child transmission. Incubation period of AIDS is usually 7-10 years,and people that are in the incubation period are called HIV infected and are called AIDS patients once symptoms occur. Personal behaviors contribute much to infection of AIDS,and people of high risk for AIDS include:homosexual or heterosexual people that have many sexual partners,people with history of sexually transmitted diseases,in-vein drug users,people with history of selling blood plasma,people with history of transfusion of blood or blood products that are not tested for HIV,people that have HIV-positive spouse,and children that have HIV-positive parents.
Confirmation of PLWHA(people living with HIV/AIDS) cases requires the positive results of HIV antibody. Avoid confirming PLWHA cases exclusively by the clinical symptoms without the specific HIV test.
Case investigation for PLWHA should keep secret and hold a non-discrimination attitude,and counseling service should be around full course of the investigation.

Epidemiological Questionnaire for Cases of HIV/AIDS


(本节编者-陈宗遒 本节核对-范淑君)