Compilation Explanation
In order to adapt the requirements of Standards Circual concrete pole GB/T 4623-2006 and Log for direct use-wire pole LY/T 1294-2012 etc.to communication pole line,it is necessary to revise the relevant contents of the former design specifications,to provide better guidance to the engineering designing.
This specification applies to the pole line designing in new-built engineering of aerial optical(copper)cable.
This Specification comprises several design contents mainly as follows:general provision,terms and symbols,pole line survey,construction specifications of pole line,installation specifications of aerial suspension wire,designing of long distance span and flying span and the requirements to the original pole line for a newly cabling,etc.
The new-built pole line constructing engineering should be complied with the principle of colocation,and considered the requirements of numerous users,overall planning,joint construction,sharing of resources;and the sharing of resources on the existing original pole line should be realized through technical reconstruction.
The contents supplemented and updated in this specification are as follows:
1)The specifications is compiled in accordance with the standard formats of the documents Gong Xin BuTong〔2011〕No.94 issued by MIIT-Notice on Printing The management detailed rules for the implementation of communication engineering construction professional standard and The compiling specifications of communication engineering construction professional standard.
2)A new chapter of"Terms and Symbols"has been added,the sequence of latter chapters will be shifted back in order.
3)The specification-related appendix in the former Specification is moved into relevant provisions of the main text,and the data-related appendix is moved into corresponding part of the Explanation of Clauses.
4)The contents of the section 4.2"Pole span distance selection"in the former Specification is moved to section 3.2,and then the latter sections after the former section 4.2 are shifted forward in order.
5)The article 4.2.5"The format selection for communication Pole"is reselected according to the requirements of Circual concrete pole GB/T 4623-2006 and Log for direct use-wire pole LY/T 1294-2012.
6)A new article 6.2.3"The suspension wire intensive calculation of flying span"has been added,the former 6.2.3 and its latter ones will be shifted backward sequentially.