Richard Steele (1672—1729), the son of an Irish attorney, and Joseph Addison (1672—1719), the son of an English clergyman, were born in the same year and were acquainted with each other from childhood. They were schoolmates at the Charterhouse and continued their association at Oxford. Steele, being too impatient to submit to the routine of academic life, left the university for the army. Addison, the more scholarly of the two, stayed on for his degree and obtained a fellowship at Magdalen.Steele was the author of four plays, M.P., Gazetteer, and Commissioner on Forfeited Estates in Scotland. Addison was the author of The Campaign(poem), Cato (tragedy), and Drummer (comedy), and for a time served as Secretary of State. But their real fame rests on their essays. In 1709, Steele started the Tatler, a periodical published three times a week—Tuesday,Thursday, and Saturday. Addison was one of the chief contributors. In 1711, when the Tatler was discontinued, they collaborated in a new paper known as Spectator, which was published daily until December, 1712.These papers, remarkable for wit and gentle raillery, were the literary instruments by which Steele and Addison tried to reform the society of Queen Anne.
Steele and Addison differed in temperament and character.One was lively and sentimental, and the other sedate and somewhat unimpassioned. One was perhaps a more delightful companion, and the other a better teacher. And they difered characteristically in their prose styles. Steele wrote hurriedly; he lacked the patience to polish and refine his expression. His style is less ‘correct’and was therefore rated much lower than that of Addison. Dr. Johnson advised all ambitious writers to give their nights and days to Addison, for he had attained a perfect medium between the vulgar and the learned. ‘But,’ says Austin Dobson,with equal truth, ‘for words which the heart finds when the head is seeking; for phrases glowing with the white heat of a generous emotion;for sentences which throb and tingle with manly pity or courageous indignation—we must turn to the essays of Steele.’